Mobile/Projects/AwesomeX improvements

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Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
716403 -- Request to hide the navigation bar when scrolling down content RESOLVED Chris Lord [:cwiiis]
729463 -- Implement switch-to-tab RESOLVED Wesley Johnston (:wesj)
778216 -- create a pref that will show the full URL in the awesomebar instead of the title VERIFIED Wesley Johnston (:wesj)
823230 -- Remember search terms and show them again when returning to the awesomescreen RESOLVED :Margaret Leibovic
857165 -- Highlight domain name when we show urls RESOLVED Wesley Johnston (:wesj)
858340 -- Domain autocompletion VERIFIED Wesley Johnston (:wesj)

6 Total; 0 Open (0%); 4 Resolved (66.67%); 2 Verified (33.33%);