Mobile/Projects/Distribution files

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For specs, see:

Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
836450 -- Add default bookmark support for distributions RESOLVED :Margaret Leibovic
836451 -- Add distribution info to about:firefox RESOLVED Mark Capella [:capella]
836517 -- Lightweight theme support for distributions RESOLVED :Margaret Leibovic
836838 -- Avoid race condition in distribution initialization RESOLVED :Margaret Leibovic
840825 -- [Robocop] Basic tests for distribution customization RESOLVED :Margaret Leibovic
848254 -- Add support of pre-pinned bookmark on about:home for distributions RESOLVED :Margaret Leibovic
848420 -- Distribution support for additional default search engines RESOLVED :Margaret Leibovic

7 Total; 0 Open (0%); 7 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);


  • Provides the ability and flexibility to create a custom look for approved partner use without the need to create custom builds


  • Distribution files must be set down to locale, country and partner
  • Files must support
    • Partner definition of 2 (two) default about:home URLs & friendly text that are pinned in the top two positions
      • about:home thumbnails should still all be user-definable
    • about:home predominant colour (partner-defined light-weight theme)
      • Light-weight themes can still be applied and over-ride this default, partner-specific theme
    • Default bookmarks can be added
      • Two (2) can be added at the top of the bookmarks page, including favicon, URL and friendly text
      • Ability to add a partner-defined folder contained more bookmarks
      • Ability to add further partner-defined bookmarks after the 4 Firefox default bookmarks as well
    • Ability to add a partner-defined snippet (with defined branding & text) that can be sequenced through with Mozilla's own content

UX design

  • Generic mock-ups and carrier-specific examples available

User stories

  • As an OEM or Carrier, I want to be able to populate Firefox's default awesomescreen with my own sites and pages, making those more discoverable for users who have just started using the mobile device.
  • As a user, I want to be able to unpin, delete, or otherwise clear the items my OEM or Carrier has put on my default awesomescreen so it will become populated with my own top sites or content.
  • As a user, I do NOT want items that my OEM or Carrier has added to a default awesomescreen to be synced between Firefox on all of my devices.

Quality criteria

  1. User stories are satisfied
  2. Specifications are met