Mobile/Projects/Web content font

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Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
831354 -- Ship fonts for content in Firefox for Android RESOLVED Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame]
833000 -- Talos Regression trobopan on Android, Jan 19 RESOLVED Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame]
841855 -- Complaints of the font being too thin on nightly RESOLVED
844669 -- Reduce start-up memory consumption hit caused by bug 831354 VERIFIED Jonathan Kew [:jfkthame]

4 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (75%); 1 Verified (25%);


  • To make reading on the web even more pleasurable on a mobile device


  • Where the default web font is used, the new fonts are used
  • Where a web page uses custom fonts, our new fonts do not over-ride their use
  • Include two open-source fonts: Charis and Open Sans

User stories

  • As a user, I want the best possible reading experience when browsing the web.
  • As a user, I don't want to know that I'm looking at a quirky, new font but want to think that what I'm reading is aesthetically pleasing and easy on the eyes without much thought on the matter.

Quality criteria

  1. User stories are satisfied
  2. Specifications are met
  3. APK size does not increase 'too much'