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What is Mission MozCamp?

The Mission MozCamp Program was a program created in order to encourage interactions between Mozillians from throughout Asia, India and Australia at MozCamp. Not only is it a fun way to get to know another Mozillian, but we're going to share what you hope to achieve by attending MozCamp. Don't worry - it won't be a lot, but we're asking that every participant sets an objective for MozCamp and reports back. We want to make sure we're hosting a useful event for Mozillians!

MozCamp missions come in all types! Your mission may have to do with one of our top-line goals (B2G, desktop, Firefox for Android), or it may have to do with personal development or community building. All types of missions are encouraged at MozCamp (!) and we will do our best job to pair you with someone whose mission is the closest to yours!

Why Participate?

There are many benefits of participating in the Mission MozCamp program, including:

  • Meeting new people!!
  • Setting personal goals for what you'd like to accomplish by attending MozCamp and having a buddy help you track your progress even after the event has ended
  • Could be selected to film a video for the Viki project about your accomplishment and what you learned in the process
  • A special surprise to be sent to those who do a great job of keeping track of their progress both on their person page and by tweeting with #Mission #MozCamp :)

Steps to Participate

1. November N-day: Create a mission wiki page by this date (The page template can be found here ). All wiki pages should be posted under your name in the 'My Mission' section below. Once you have decided on the goal you aim to achieve by attending MozCamp, tweet it out at #Mission #MozCamp

2. November N+1: We will pair you with a buddy and announce the pairings below.

4. November N+4: Try to say hi to your buddy at the Friday Welcome Event! When registering, each person will be given a sticker that has the name of their buddy - please wear this so your buddy can find you! Other than that, take the time to chill and catch up with Mozillians.

5. November N+5: Eat dinner with your buddy and spend 2 minutes seeing how your goal for the camp itself is going. Then back to your regular programming - fun, food and maybe some beer!

6. November N+6: During the Sunday afternoon break, gather for a few minutes with your buddy and touch-base on next steps. We will also provide a large board on which you can post your accomplishments!

7. November N+20 and December N+3: Follow-up with your buddy on their progress! As you connect with them, encourage them to record their progress in their wiki page and recognize their accomplishments by tweeting them using #Mission #MozCamp

8. We'll select a few individuals who have done a great job on achieving their goals and recognizing their buddies on December N+3 to receive a special surprise :)

Mission Page Template

<createbox> preload=MozCampAsia2012/Buddyprogram/template prefix=MozCampAsia2012/Buddyprogram/ default=Your name goes here… buttonlabel=Set your mission! </createbox>

The Mission page template is available here

My Mission

View all MozCamp Missions

Mission MozCamp Activities

  • Get to know one another during the Welcome Party on Friday evening
  • Sit by one another during dinner on Saturday
  • Touch-base during the break on Sunday afternoon
  • Connect with one another 2 weeks after MozCamp and 1 month after MozCamp

Tweet your buddy or write a blog about your progress using #Mission #MozCamp