MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/GrowMozilla/Finding NeMo

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Title of Session: Finding NeMo - let's take Mozilla to the masses...

File:FindingNemo talkSlides mozCampAsia2012.tar


  • Soumya Deb
  • Kinshuk Sunil
  • Chit Thiri Maung

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Volunteers

Area of Contribution (Team Name): Multiple, this one is Press/Evangelism

How are you currently involved with the community? Web-Technology Evangelist, Addon developer, Speaker, IT-Volunteer, Mozilla India IT Mentor, Mozilla Community Sites Leader, Project NeMo Advisor, and some other stuffs that I forgot.

Location of Work (where do you reside?): Pune, India

Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 30min

Summary: This session takes the audience through the introduction of the new CommsReps project - NeMo, its goals, non-goals, contribution model, roadmaps & future developments.

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals: The motto of NeMo is to take Mozilla to the masses; that implies, to Grow Mozilla not only by recruiting more direct contributors, but to spread it across the globe to the conscious of the tech-bystanders as well. NeMo thrives to find new engaging content ideas to reach out to more audience - may it be newspaper, online media, weblogs to even cross-words, webomics etc - and if you contribute more, then may be even in your own language!

Expected Outcome or Deliverable:

  • A better idea about NeMo to the existing-contributors
  • Understanding of the goals/non-goals
  • Engaging more volunteers to be an active contributor
  • New language coverage
  • New media/region coverage
  • Better grasp on how to craft the next-up roadmap for the project

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Tech-ninja not required, but the ones with high appreciation, understanding and experience Mozilla values will be sought. Participants should be wise enough to write/review/translate Mozilla(-related) stories.

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): None.

To Be Completed by the Audience-

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