MozCampAsia2012/Schedule/desktopandmobile/Security and Privacy in Asia

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Title of Session (should also be the title of your Wiki page): Help the Firefox User Experience Team Understand Security and Privacy Concerns in Asia

Facilitator(s): Larissa Co, along with Paul Theriault

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid

Area of Contribution (Team Name): Larissa is on the User Experience Team as a designer for Firefox OS and Android, with a broader focus on improving security and privacy design in Firefox. Paul is on the Security Engineering Team, working on the security framework for B2G.

How are you currently involved with the community?:

I'm connected with the Moz Philippines community, but I'm not yet directly involved with their work. I grew up in the Philippines (and can speak Filipino fluently!), and I would really like to get to know them and the greater Mozilla Asia community more.

Location of Work (where do you reside?): Mountain View, CA

Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 90 minutes


User privacy and protection are extremely important themes for Firefox and there's growing concern over these issues as more people (particularly less tech-savy ones) get on the Web for the first time. The subject is particularly relevant in Asia, where many countries have limited protections for user privacy and security, or in extreme cases, have laws which undermine certain rights.

This highly interactive workshop aims to surface the most prominent privacy and security concerns in Asia and identify ways that we could improve Firefox to address the unique needs of this continent. This session won't be about technical improvements to protect privacy or security; rather it's focused on discovering user-facing features that will differentiate Firefox from other browsers.

We'll do pair interviews to quickly understand the nuance behind privacy and security concerns in different regions. In small groups, we'll sort out our findings into major themes to take back to the UX team. As a community, we'll discuss our concerns and generate ideas about them for Firefox.

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals:

This session primarily supports our goals to increase Firefox adoption in Asia for Desktop and Mobile, but it can also support future adoption goals for Firefox OS, when we choose to enter the Asian market. Security and privacy features can be key drivers that will encourage communities in Asia to adopt Firefox over other browsers. Even though this session won't have an immediate outcome on our adoption goals (other than perhaps reinforcing the idea that we care enough about security and privacy to ask the community to work on it with us), it will have a critical impact on features that the User Experience team plans to deliver in Firefox in the coming year.

Additionally, having an opportunity to reach out to the Asian community to understand their unique privacy and security needs is really important for the Firefox User Experience team. We have a lot of information about North American and even European perspectives, but we have the least understanding of how our community in Asia perceives our features.

Expected Outcome or Deliverable:

With participants, we'll come up with a general "manifesto" summarizing the main security and privacy concerns of our community in Asia. We'll also generate initial ideas for gaps in our current browser and new features that we can provide for users. After the Summit, the User Experience Team, together with our Privacy and Security teams will use these ideas to plan and advocate for new privacy and security features in Firefox. We can also share the information with the SUMO team, so that they can know what additional support pages they should create to address our community's concerns.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set:

We want a broad audience from various countries to participate. All comfort levels with technology and the Web are welcome, especially those who don't have a lot of knowledge about security or privacy.

What's important is that you come in an idea-generation mode, and are excited to discuss these topics with others. If you want to bring in additional viewpoints to the Summit or think about these issues beforehand, we'll post a list of questions that you can ask your family and friends.

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included):

Note: I'll be responsible for preparing the following items. No need to get it for me!

  • Post-it notes (multiple colors and sizes, but predominantly 1 color of 3x3 in post-its)
  • Sharpies (multiple colors, but a lot of black sharpies)
  • Butcher paper for placing post-its on
  • Blue tape / masking tape for putting things on the walls without marking them
  • Walls we can tape butcher paper to!
  • Blank Letter Paper (prefer half-sheets, but full sheets are ok too)
  • Table space and enough space for groups to spread out. We'll be breaking into groups and moving around, not sitting down in a presentation-type setting
  • The projector is likely not necessary, since this will be an active session!

To Be Completed by the Audience-

(If you would like) Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) or indicate what information you hope to gain by attending this talk here:

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