MozCampEU2012/How to Debug Memory Leaks in Addons and Websites

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Title: How to Debug Memory Leaks in Addons and Websites

Facilitator(s): Kyle Huey

Are you paid or volunteer staff?: Paid

Area of Contribution (Team Name): DOM team

How are you currently involved with the community?: Far too many ways to count

Location of Work (where do you reside?): SF

Talk Length (please choose between 30, 60, 90, 120 minutes): 90

Summary: Come to an interactive workshop with one of the principal engineers on the MemShrink project and learn how to use tools with Firefox to debug memory leaks in addons and webpages. We're also looking for feedback on how to make these tools more user-friendly and available to a wider audience.

How your session furthers the MozCamp Goals ( Will equip participants with the tools necessary to produce excellent experiences (in terms of memory usage) on Firefox and other Gecko platforms.

Expected Outcome or Deliverable: Participants walk away able to debug memory leaks in web pages as well as MemShrink engineers.

Desired Audience Type or Skill-set: Seasoned web or addon developers, core Firefox hackers

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): Internet access for myself and attendees

To Be Completed by the Audience-

(If you would like) Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) or indicate what information you hope to gain by attending this talk here:

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

  • Philipp Kewisch
  • Serge Gautherie
  • Kai Engert
  • Nils Maier
  • Paolo Amadini
  • Szabolcs Hubai
  • Florian Quèze
  • Giorgio Maone
  • Benoit Girard
  • Axel Grude
  • <put your name here>