MozCampLATAM2012/ProposedTalks/User Data And Privacy

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User Data and Privacy at Mozilla

Speaker(s): Stacy Martin

Proposed Track: Engagement

Summary: Officially launched in January 2011, the Mozilla Privacy Program helps put users in control of their personal information on the web. This talk will give an overview of Mozilla Privacy projects and tools such as Do Not Track (DNT), Data Safety, and Collusion. This session will also focus on enabling user control in Engagement activities, such as online advertising and social media. The last part of the talk will be an open discussion about challenges and opportunities for user data and privacy at Mozilla,including how you can get involved.

Language in which the talk will be given: English

Translation: [1] Translation: [2]

Preferred Day of Talk:

Presentation Slides: [3]

Ideal Audience Size: as many as can join us

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): microphone

To Be Completed by the Audience

Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) here:

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

  • Marcelo Araldi
  • Guillermo López
  • Juan Eladio Sánchez (Jesanchez)
  • Percy Cabello (pcabellor)
  • Gloria P. Meneses
  • Jairo Ruiz (jaruiz33)
  • Christiano Alves
  • Julián Ordoñez
  • Jefferson Durán
  • digitalfredy
  • Guillermo Movia (deimidis)
  • Jesse Montano
