MozCampLATAM2012/Talking with millions of friends on social media

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Speaker(s): William Reynolds

Proposed Track: Engagement & Localization

Summary: How can we talk with millions of Firefox users using social media? Throughout Latin America social media has increasingly become an important way to engage with users. Firefox in this region has over 1.6 million fans on Facebook and they are vibrantly interacting with us. Let's look at ways we can engage with Firefox users in Latin America. We'll talk as a group about ideas for social media, and attendees will learn how to talk with Firefox users one-to-one on social networks. This will be an interactive session where attendees will brainstorm ideas and share their experiences. In addition, attendees will be trained on how to run our localized social media channels in Latin America, and they will leave the session with the social skills needed to be contributors on the User Engagement team.

Language in which the talk will be given: English

Preferred Day of Talk: Saturday

Presentation Slides (to provide at a later point):

Ideal Audience Size: 30-40

Equipment Needs (Video projector already included): Easels with paper pads or giant sticky notes

To Be Completed by the Audience-

Submit a Question for the Speaker(s) here:

  • How we can get the images posted through social media so we can localize it? (user Ioana Chiorean)

Place your name here if you would like to attend this talk:

  • Marcelo Araldi
  • Eduardo Urcullú
  • Andrea Balle
  • Luis Sanchez
  • Luca Toledo
  • Francisco Picolini (FrancJP)
  • mgalli — specifially interested in more low scale efforts like the prior spread, but willing to see the vision here, and also the criticism.
  • Juan Eladio Sánchez (Jesanchez)
  • Cristina Rodríguez (cristinaarias11)