MozCamps 2014/FAQ

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MozCamp Beta - India is an invite-only event
If you have questions or feedback, please read this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and then ping us in #MozCamp2014 on IRC.


What is the invitation criteria for the MozCamp Beta India?

After discussions with the attendees of the Design Session on April 2014 and striving to provide a balanced group of attendees who could commit to growing our community we came to the invitation criteria below:

  • Commitment
    • Commitment to host 2 training events (on and/or offline) or bring in 5 new active Mozillians before the end of the year
    • Other ways of commitment: Knowledge sharing (documentation, blogging, social media, etc.)
  • Leadership
    • Regional community leader: contributor who knows well the regional community and acts as leader communicating the organizational goals, getting the community active and excited and recruiting and mentoring new contributors
    • Mozillian with a good track record of organizing and leading events
    • Mozillian with Community Building / Mentoring experience
  • Expertise
    • Pathways expert: expertise in specific pathway(s) with strong interest and experience onboarding new contributors
    • Active contributor focused on bringing in new active contributors, teaching or mentoring
    • Active contributor with a key role in a pathway who can benefit from learning how to mentor and bring in new contributors
  • Other
    • Over 18 years old at events that involve international travel
    • Proficient in the primary language (in this case English)

General Agenda

How was the schedule decided?

The foundational MozCamp Beta - India Agenda was developed by a team of delegates and leaders from the Mozilla community supported by the MozCamp Core Team. The focus for MozCamp Beta - India is the upcoming Firefox OS release, so the tracks chosen for this event support that release. A Design Session was held in the Mozilla San Francisco space in April 2014 to determine the tracks and content to focus on for the larger 2014 MozCamps. This session was attended by a global group of core volunteer and staff contributors.

Does the agenda allow for any free time in the evenings (or do we have something planned each night)?

Each evening, we will host dinner for all participants, as well as provide lunch during the day. However, after dinner, you are free to enjoy your time with your fellow Mozillians.

There will be breaks as well, scheduled throughout each day.

Content Area Tracks

General Tracks for MozCamp India - Beta

MozCamp India - Beta sessions are split into two groups - General Sessions (for everyone!) and Contribution Areas (specific areas of interest within the Project).
The General Sessions for MozCamp Beta - India are:

  • Appmaker Workshop and Demo Training
  • Mozilla Strategy, including "Getting Here" history session
  • Storytelling
  • Community Building for All
  • Firefox OS Evangelism
  • Open Session with breakouts

To learn more about each General session, please see

What are “Contribution Areas” and how did they get on the agenda?

MozCamp Beta is testing out both general sessions, participated in by all, and breakout CA tracks (contribution areas) that focus on building community and recruiting new contributors into specific pathways. Because MozCamp Beta is being held in India in anticipation of the launch of Mozilla's $25 smartphone, there's a special focus of this content on Firefox OS and engagement with the new phone. Firefox OS specific content is being developed specifically for the Indian region and this Beta event. Most content however will be tested in India for future MozCamps, and iterated upon based on what we learn at the Beta and in subsequent results metrics and feedback.
The Contribution Areas for MozCamp Beta - India are:

  • Engagement
  • SUMO
  • User Centered Design (User Research + UX Design)
  • Developer Outreach (Developer Relations / MDN)

To learn more about each Contribution Area, please see

What is the “Open Session”?

The Open Session is a time for Community members in attendance to focus on the area (of the Project, geographic, language) of their choosing. The aim of the Open Session time is to give Community members a chance to meet in person with others interested in the chosen topic. This is a great time to meet up with others you may not get much face time with or to deep-dive into that L10N project you've been working on with others.

Meals and Social Events

I see you have meals listed – is there someplace special I go if I have food allergies?

Each food item will be labeled with food allergy information so anyone who needs to know, will. If you have something severe and/or have indicated the need for a specially prepared meal, we will make sure you know where to pick it up each day.

NOTE: If you have ordered a special meal, we request that you pick it up and eat that meal. We’ve had it especially made just for you after all ;).

What if I want to host a social event?

We have some pretty great things planned during MozCamp Beta - India that we hope you’ll participate in. If however, the mood strikes and you and some friends want to do your own thing (and want to invite others to come along), we suggest you use the #MozCamp2014 hashtag to rally your fellow Mozillians.

I'm bringing my spouse/kids with me, will they be able to join me during evening events (specifically meals)?

While we'd love to meet your family, we have not accounted for family members in any of our events. If you have family members with you, we will not be able to accommodate them in any of the Mozilla-paid events, including meals. They are welcome to join you during any of the ad hoc social fun and in the lounge areas.)

I’m a minor so will I be able to take part in the social events? Will my guardian?

Yes. Almost all of our planned social events will have no age minimum. Yes, your guardian may accompany you to any social event.


Please find information on travel logistics and other helpful in-country information for MozCamp Beta - India here.

Will someone be at the airport/train station to greet me?

Check out the Travel section of the Wiki

Will Mozilla arrange for transportation from the airport/train station to the venue/hotel and back again?

Yes. Specifics can be found in the Travel section of the Wiki

Immigration/Visas for the Summit

Will Mozilla reimburse us for visa fees

Yes, staff should submit their visa reimbursements through the normal Expensify process. Attendees should not require visas, as all MozCamp Beta - India attendees are coming from in-country.

I need the address where I'm staying for my visa application

JW Marriott
24/1, Vittal Mallya Rd, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka 560001, India


Is there a way we can contact our roommate in advance?

Yes, you can look up your roommate on and grab their email address there. (Note: only volunteers have roommates; if you're a volunteer, your roommate should be listed in your hotel confirmation email.)

How much is the security deposit for the hotel?

In all cases, when you put your credit card down the hotel will place a hold on some amount of money per night. They won't charge that, just hold it for the duration of your stay. DO NOT put down a debit card (or they will hold cash for a week - and you won't have access to them.)

What if I don't have a credit card to put down at the hotel?

We let all of the hotels know that not every Mozillian has a credit card. It should not be a problem. If you do not have a credit card, you will not be able to charge anything to your room. And, if there is any damage to your room, Mozilla will be responsible.

Getting There

How much money should I bring for extras, like meals?

Mozilla will provide meals beginning Friday evening - Sunday lunch.
If you participate in the organized events, Mozilla will pay. If however, you want to take a tour or do something on your own or with a small group, you will need to have enough money to pay for that.

What sort of clothing should I pack?

Best to check before you pack. It is summer AND monsoon season, so make sure to bring light clothing for the heat, but also a jacket and/or umbrella. Get ready for some serious humidity!

Did we forget anything? Ping LMN in #MozCamp2014 on IRC or email