Mozilla Festival/MozFest 2023

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What Is It =

MozFest is Mozilla’s largest public facing event, this year taking place online accompanied by a handful of in-person events in various geographic locations. MozFest is a unique festival- part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world. At the festival we host sessions, designed with participation at the fore and under the overarching theme of Trustworthy AI.

MozFest is unconference in design, with a focus on participatory engaging experiences. The format is designed to be able to cater for emergent styles, communities, and sessions. The program is community-designed and community-led with a significant focus on diversity across languages, ages, disciplines, identities, and cultures. Focus is on participation, asking for responses, advice, engagement, opinions and collaboration to learn, build, and seek to evolve the work beyond the festival.

Get Involved

We have built MozFest through the learnings of each passing festival and through your feedback. And what has been essential to tackling the issues that impact our lives online is building momentum.

So we want to start gathering folks online from now. Expect Space oriented community calls, topic-focused meetups, and opportunities to connect as facilitators and participants before the live event. We invite you to connect earlier, seek out threads across each other's work, support session development and design to build momentum and participation towards the festival.

To join the conversation around the 2023 MozFest, jump in on our Mozilla Festival Slack.

Who Is It For

At MozFest we ask the internet health movement to connect, collaborate, and build Trustworthy AI, whether in products, policies, design principles, community resources, or guidelines. Core issues felt across the internet health movement emerge as Spaces, tracks for co-creation and community building, which are hosted by our Wranglers, volunteer curators from across the Internet health movement. The Sessions are where we share our work and exchange thoughts & experiences, through discussions, workshops, art installations, films, or cultural and social moments. The Call for Proposals will go live in November and you are all invited to explore the issues of each Space through the submission of a session that seeks collaboration, engagement and co-building with others across the festival.

Topics & Thematic Focus


Festival Formats



Due to the online format, sessions will be scheduled across many different time zones based on Facilitator availability. The online schedule of sessions will be coming out 1 February 2023.