Participation/Projects/Campus Clubs

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Project Name:

Mozilla Open Source Student Clubs [Formerly - Mozilla Campus Clubs]


Mozilla is creating an Open Source Student Club program dedicated to creating and supporting a network of clubs on university and colleges around the world who are learning about and contributing to open source projects and open web technologies.

Current State:

There are currently more than 160 active Clubs, primarily in Asia. The program is now being reexamined for a US audience, where based on extensive research, our focus will be on empowering and connecting existing open source clubs by providing training, content and connection opportunities.

You can find a live version of the site at

A new version of the website is currently under production, slated to launch late Summer, 2017.

Objective & Alignment with Mozilla's Mission:

Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.

We believe that students are uniquely positioned to make a difference in the world and that by bringing together and supporting local groups who care about the open internet we can achieve great things.


A healthy, self-sustaining network of Clubs worldwide (relatively evenly distributed), actively contributing to Mozilla’s mission and the open web.


  • 2016 Fall - Converting and recruiting student leaders from existing Mozilla communities
  • 2016 Winter & Spring 2017 - Training and Building the capacity of our committed leaders, conducting research in the US, conducting research in India
  • 2017 Summer - Recruiting and training US student leaders, preparing for US launch
  • 2017 Fall - Preliminary US launch, Indian research continues
  • 2017 Winter - Prepare for India Launch, recruiting Indian student leaders, Support US leaders
  • 2018 Spring -


  • Project Manager - Christos Lucy

Internal Stakeholders

MoFo Clubs
