Participation/Projects/Identity Access Management

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Project Name:

Identity and Access Management (IAM)


Vetting and implementing a new authentication solution as a replacement to existing EOL one (auth0 replacing persona and OKTA). Combining identity data from LDAP and in a unified system. Amend info using Workday data. Creating self-serving IAM functionality (groups, automations etc) for all users.


Update and unify IAM properties across Mozilla, with a focus on equally serving employees and volunteers

Alignment With Mozilla Goals

Mozilla becomes a radically participatory organization


Fragmentation of identity and authentication across Mozilla was detrimental to metrics, management and UX of users. A combined unified approach that holds all users equal (employees and volunteers) alleviates lot’s of participation and inclusion pain points.


Have a single source of truth about identity across core Mozilla properties, and give users self-serving functionalities for IAM tasks


  • 28th Sept- Sign Auth0 contract
  • 14th Oct - Underlying code pieces in place for auth0 transition
  • 21st Oct - implements Auth0
  • 28th Oct - Rest of participation properties roll over to auth0
  • 14th Nov - Data flows from Workday to
  • 28th Nov - LDAP and work as one system
  • End of year - All core IAM functionality is implemented in the new system (password management, 2FA, ssh keys etc)


  • Pierros Papadeas,
  • Henrik Mitsch
  • the Development team

Internal Stakeholders


Link to key resources/strategy



Github Issue(s)

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Work To Date

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How to get involved

  • [Join our Gitter Channel/Discourse Topic and say hi]