Participation/Projects/Innovation Toolkit

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Project Name:

Innovation Toolkit


he toolkit is an open collection of easy-to-use, self-serve techniques, concepts and methods that provide structure and direction in complex open system development. Specifically, the toolkit contains Written out descriptions of different activities that are valuable in the innovation process. Instructions of how to use said activities Table of contents based on both questions and process to make using the toolkit easier


This Innovation Toolkit is designed to empower product developers at Mozilla with a set of tried and true methods for facilitating innovation. It will create a knowledge sharing portal for people, both internally and externally, who want to introduce human centered design to their product development process.

Alignment With Mozilla Goals

Prototype the future


Teams across Mozilla are working on introducing and becoming familiar with a more agile and faster method of product development (lean start-up, design thinking, early validation etc).

By unifying on the tools and definitions used across Mozilla, we decrease the friction and thereby increase the internal adoption of relevant methods into Mozilla’s day-to-day working practices..

The toolkit aims to:

  • Define a common set of innovation tools and methods that Mozillians can use as a distributed, open workforce and community.
  • Provide support for teams that are looking to expand their use of said set of methods.
  • Help build an internal mental model for product innovation.


  1. of initiatives that do use any of the toolkit (both internally and externally).

Drives conversation externally referring to Mozilla's unique way of innovating in the open.

  1. of blog post submitted outside of the innovation team on experiences with the toolkit and co-creating towards the content.


September: Launch of Site Q4: Prove use / engagement with site - specifically working with Campus Campaign to build a workshop method

  • Additionally: We’re working on launching a first project around it with campus campaign in Q4/Q1


  • Rina

Internal Stakeholders

  • Lucy (campus campaign)
  • Valerie (subject matter expert)
  • Pierros (website management)


Link to key resources/strategy



Github Issue(s)

List by heartbeat i.e.:

Work To Date

List any finished work, decisions, report-backs, metrics etc to show progress.

How to get involved

  • [Join our Gitter Channel/Discourse Topic and say hi]