Participation/Projects/User Driven Innovation

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Project Name:

User Driven Innovation


The program will start off by piloting participatory design sessions with users as a early exploration technique for new product development.

For the initial pilot project we will work with;

  • Web Sus project
  • Busy Families Project
  • Optional - Conscious Chooser project (delayed to October)

Longer term goals past pilot project:

  1. Pilot participatory design in Mozilla by inviting different groups of target users in for design workshops
  2. Building a user panel with which we can recruit, survey and run ongoing participatory design sessions with


Build out a program that will facilitate open innovation efforts with users at Mozilla. The program will focus on building out a user network that will allows us to facilitate ongoing participatory design sessions to continue user driven innovation exploration at Mozilla.

Alignment With Mozilla Goals

Prototyping the Future: Foster Innovation It has been proven, again and again, that users are essential to new product development and innovation in companies. Being user centric, is not just a method, it’s a way of development, and it requires involving users from early opportunity exploration through to ongoing development. Historically Mozilla has not been very successful in either of these endeavours, and this project is an attempt to help show the value of engaging with users in the process and an attempt to minimise the barriers for doing so today.


As part of our exploration on how we open up innovation at Mozilla, we cannot forget our users and audience, the people who will in the end use any new products we develop. This is a proposal for a User Driven Innovation Program at Mozilla.


To develop a closer relationship with our users and target audiences, that will allow us to gather actionable insights, foster empathy and utilize co-creation to inform new product development.

The program should focus on delivering Actionable insights; provide insights that have actual impact on product, process or strategy for Mozilla. Measured by; session held with impact on products KPI: 2-3 product focussed pilot session Foster empathy; bring together our employees with the people we build for to encourage faster exploration of problems and hypothesis as well of an inherent understanding of other perspectives. Measured by; outreach and building a network of users and employees attending sessions KPI: 10-20 employees attending pilot sessions - 2-3 sessions building a open innovation community Co-creation/participatory design sessions; to inform new product development and idea development

  • Measured by; new ideas or learnings that result either directly or indirectly in product development process
  • KPI: hold at least one exploratory co-creation session with lead users


  • Q3: Planning and piloting participatory design
  • Q4: Larger pilot incl. User panel
  • Q1: Sessions with focus areas
  • Q2: User Panel ready


  • Rina Tambo Jensen

Working with stakeholders on different projects. Will need more resources if we take this further.

Internal Stakeholders


Link to key resources/strategy



Github Issue(s)

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Work To Date

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How to get involved

  • [Join our Gitter Channel/Discourse Topic and say hi]