FOSDEM 2024 - Call for Participation

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We are excited to announce that the Web Performance devroom will be returning for FOSDEM 2024! This time the room is a joint effort of Mozilla and Wikimedia Foundation.

FOSDEM is the largest Free and Open Source Software event in Europe. It offers free software communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. FOSDEM 2024 will take place on February 3-4th 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. You can learn more at

Web Performance devroom

The web performance devroom will focus on ongoing open standards development and FLOSS projects that support performance of the world wide web. The web performance field is driven by open standards (browser APIs, internet protocols), and relies on many FLOSS tools to monitor, analyze and improve performance.

Most conferences about this topic tend to focus on best practices and standards once they’ve been finalized, while the ongoing creation of standards and FLOSS tooling development is rarely talked about. The objective of this devroom is to bring focus to the future of web performance through open standards, and open source developer tools.

Here’s some topic suggestions:

  • FLOSS tools to monitor, measure, analyze, optimize backend or frontend web performance
  • Open standards (eg. HTTP/3, upcoming JS/HTML/CSS standards)
  • Academic research on web performance
  • Share your web performance story: Share your challenges and your solutions and what you learned
  • Ethical web performance: Address the balance between performance optimization and user privacy, especially in the context of increasing concerns about data collection practices by large corporations.

Submission process

Please submit your talk proposal by December 1st. We will let you know if your call has been accepted by December 15th.

All talks will be in person, and can be 15 to 45 minutes in duration (including Q&A).

You can submit your talk proposal at making sure to select Web Performance as the track.