Places/Status Meetings/2009-10-26

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Places Team Meeting Details

  • Mondays at 9:00am Pacific
  • #places

Work Priorities


3.7 UI Triage

3.7 UI Triage

  • bug 523523 folders in the awesomebar
    • we need to show containers in the awesomebar
    • impl?: expose place: protocol handler
    • show ancestors of a container for display ("restaurants > japanese > sushi")
    • need to create frecency algo for containers/queries ("visits" to a folder)
  • bug 523524 awesomebar results in a content page
    • security policy: places api in a content page
    • thumbnail service
    • static or liveupdate (static fine for 3.7)
    • no editing, context menu
    • click to open, that is all
  • bug 523526 content area pages show up in session history
    • what protocol
    • places should add
    • session history should add
  • bug 524049 history ranges in awesome bar results
    • language parser
    • or stored/dynamic entries
    • need to be localizable at runtime
  • bug 524050 breadcrumb trail in awesomebar
    • show ancestor trail instead of uri
    • optionally click on crumbs to navigate to them
    • see locationbar2 for impl ideas
  • bug 524060 home tab should be able to link to content pages
    • queries as links (protocol handler again)
  • bug 524068 select folder in sidebar, toolbar, menu navigates to it's contents
    • how for menus?
    • mostly updating click handlers in the views
  • bug 524071 detachable and resizable bookmark dialog

QA Issues

From last week, the following things had open action items:

Status updates

From last week, the following things had open action items:
