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  • Tuesday - 11:00am Pacific, 2:00pm Eastern, 19:00 UTC
  • Mozilla Building S - <script> conference room
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x91 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #shiretoko for backchannel

Notices / Schedule

  • Beta 2 Schedule
    • en-US string freeze is Thursday, October 30th at 11:59pm PDT
    • code freeze is Tuesday, November 4th at 11:59pm PDT
  • Please take a look at the feature list and get things missing added, and update status for things you own: Firefox3.1/Features#Gecko_1.9.1
  • See the security review schedule page to get your review scheduled ASAP!

Firefox 3.1 Update

  • beltzner is a bad boy about blocking triage, trying to reform
  • Plan for Beta 2 for review

GFX 1.9.1 Update

Mac OS X 1.9.1 Update

  • working on various blocking and wanted bugs
  • major filesystem updates on the way

Layout 1.9.1 Update

Content 1.9.1 Update

  • Content 1.9.1 Bugs
  • Worker Threads:
    • All feature work landed.
  • Cross-site XHR:
    • All feature work landed.
  • Speculative parsing:
    • Landed, and still in the tree, but disabled due to random talos crashes. Really hard to track down so far :(

JS 1.9.1

  • JS 1.9.1 Bugs
  • TraceMonkey correctness in decent shape.
  • New global JSON object, will follow up to match ES 3.1 spec.

In progress:

  • fixing for-in looping
  • tracing more natives
  • tracing across the DOM
  • multi trees
  • merging Nanojit 2

Mobile 1.9.1 Update

General 1.9.1 Updates

  • offline cache, dcamp:
  • localStorage, honzab:
  • HTML5 drag-drop:


Security Reviews

See the security review schedule for dates etc


  • More build slaves added to pool bug 458414
    • added 3 win32 (new total 8), adding 2 linux (new total 7), still 4 macs
    • if you land a change, builds should start within a few minutes (tree stabilizing time). If this doesnt happen, file a bug with
  • Is it ok to add mobile builds to the Firefox tinderbox page? bug 430200