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Notices / Schedule

  • FF4.0b7 will be built today, barring any new blockers
  • FF4.0b8 will be fairly quickly after (~3 weeks? depends on blockers)
    • Need drivers to triage / make sure b8 blockers are true blockers

Blocker Report

  • Firefox 4.0
    • beta 7: 1
    • beta 8: 68

Firefox Development

(from our goals):


  • [ON TRACK] API-Complete Jetpack
    • Joint with Jetpack team
    • Currently working towards feature-complete beta SDK
  • [ON TRACK] Stand up basic Firefox with Electrolysis

Developer Tools

  • [NEW] Ensure that Firefox 4 ships with a compatible version of Firebug
  • [NEW] Publish a roadmap for integrated developer tools in Firefox, including console, inspection, and js debugging
  • [NEW] Develop long term plan for Skywriter maintenance/support


  • Goals: Real list found here. Quick overview:
    • [ON TRACK] Finish Firefox 4 blockers.
    • [ON TRACK] Support Firefox Team to stand up a browser on Electrolysis.


  • No Beta 7 blockers.
  • Continuing to work on beta 8+ blockers. Nothing in particular to report here.


  • 1 beta8 blocker, has reviewed patch.
  • Blocker counts are rising while the tree has been closed for beta7 work.


Team meeting tomorrow, Nov 3 2010, 2pm Pacific:

conf #8605, Warp Core


1.) Wrapping up performance work that is in flight 2.) Driving the blocker list to zero 3.) Hacking to look forward to after we ship Firefox 4

We'll make sure we've got a workable plan.

  • ES5 work
    • wrapping up bug 577325, making our processing of function definitions conform to ES5+errata
    • also still going on bug 514568 to give strict mode eval its own scope (such evals can't mess with the binding set of the calling code)

Tree Management

  • A few minor announcements about mobile infrastructure:
    • 11 tegras arrived, imaged, powered, racked; not yet setup in masters and still waiting for SDcards.
    • ~15 of 40 n900s imaged. Waiting for all to be in production before we can enable on tryserver


  • Crashes
    • Numbers down a bit over the weekend - under 2000 crashes a day. The users were also down from last week but compared to a similar number of users 2 weeks ago, the crashes numbers are a bit lower.
    • Most topcrashers are logged for beta8.
    • We have a list we will keep an eye on after beta7 is released.
    • A few new ones that were logged today but not high volume.
    • Nothing to triage after today's meeting.