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2013 General Goals

  1. Games/Media/Social/Location
  2. Performance
  3. Development velocity/productivity
  4. Firefox OS
  5. Firefox Desktop
  6. Firefox Android
  7. Overall Software Quality


  • [ON TRACK] Land Metro[2,3,5]
    • [DONE] 825928,830347 - Layers refactoring, D3D11 compositor [2,3,5]
      • [DONE] 834437 - Build and run on Android (jmuizelaar)
      • [DONE] - Build and run on Mac (bgirard/jdrew)
      • [DONE] 834916 - Build and run on Firefox OS (bjacob)
      • [DONE] 835667 - Build and run on Win D2D (bschouten)
      • [DEFERRED] - Components alpha support (mwoodrow)
      • [DONE] 833128 - Gralloc texture support (bjacob)
      • [DONE] 825934 - Async video etc. (nsilva)
      • [DONE] 835669 - D2D texture support (bschouten)
      • [AT RISK] 801154 - Metro style async pan/zoom controller (jmathies/bbondy)
      • [DONE] 833129 - windows widget support (jmuizelaar)
      • [DONE] 825937 - Tiled layers support (nsilva)
      • [DONE] 825931 - Texture host switching (nsilva)
      • [DONE] 835668 - Large surfaces D3D (bschouten)
      • [DONE] 833134 - Shared texture OGL (bjacob)
      • [DONE] 839538 - Teardown sequence (bgirard)
      • [DONE] 825948 - Ongoing branch merging (nsilva)
      • [DONE] 834876 - Rect to texture coords (ncameron)
  • [DONE] 716140 - Multi thread image decoding [3,5](jdrew)
  • [DONE] Ongoing Firefox OS critical issues support. [4](jmuizelaar)
  • [DONE] The GFX team will resolve all actionable security bugs within six weeks of their entering our components and receiving sec-high or sec-critical designation. [7](milan)

  • [DONE] Finalize the plans for supporting the Metro agenda
  • [ON TRACK] Finalize the plans for supporting the Games agenda

  • [WISHLIST] Accelerated 2D [2,3,5]
  • [WISHLIST] [DONE] 651857 - Azure. [2,3,5]
  • [WISHLIST] [DONE] 734691 Multi-threaded profiler support (for OMTC work). [2,4,6](snappy)
  • [WISHLIST] [DONE] 776030Async pan/zoom controller Java/C++ integration. [4,5,6](kats)


  • [AT RISK] Readability 2.0
    • [MISSED] reflow-on-zoom: make decision on whether to move forward with ship, and if yes, get to shipping quality on mozilla-central (sjohnson) (bug 836565, bug 836568, bug 824965, probably more bugs needed)
    • [DONE] high-dpi windows 8 support landed on mozilla-central (bug 816709, bug 844604) (jfkthame)
  • [DONE] Image Visibility (bug 689623) landed on mozilla-central (tnikkel)
  • [MISSED] CSS Variables (bug 773296) landed on mozilla-central (ebassi)
  • [ON TRACK] CSS Images Refactoring (bug 801844) landed on mozilla-central (seth) (bug 820602, bug 815471, bug 826093, bug 790640, bug 849114, etc.)
  • [MISSED] CSS Vertical Text (bug 145503): get first part, bug 735577, landed on mozilla-central (smontagu)
  • [MISSED] CSS Pagination (bug 775628) (need milestone) (mats)
  • [ON TRACK] CSS Overflow: get new WD of css3-overflow spec, with fragment overflow feature stable enough that we can begin implementation (dbaron)
  • [DONE] HTML5 Form Controls: land input type=range on mozilla-central (part of bug 344618: that is, bug 836314, bug 838256) (jwatt)
  • [MISSED] Mobile Webkit Compatibility Experiment: release experimental build with prefixes/new APIs implemented, for further testing (joint with DOM/WebAPI?) (bug 837211, bug 850805, more bugs needed)


  • [MISSED] Resolve all video security bugs that received a designation of sec-moderate or higher more than six weeks ago. This is a permanent goal for the group. bug 831294 [7]
  • [DONE] Demo WebRTC support on Firefox for Android [1]
  • [DONE] Land sufficient performance with H.264 video playback support in mozilla-central for the Windows Metro product on target hardware [1,5]
  • Strong forward progress on the WebRTC project: [1]
    • [DONE] Ship the initial release of gUM on Desktop in Firefox 20 (through Aurora and Beta into G.A.)
    • [DONE] Ship the initial release of WebRTC on Desktop (PeerConnection, DataChannels) in Firefox 22 (ready for Aurora)


  • [DONE] Prototype of Push Notifications (
  • [DONE] Implement Desktop Notifications ( (dougt, wchen)
  • Web Components (not complete in Q1)
    • [MISSED] Shadow root element (mrbkap, wchen)
    • [DONE] document.register() support (wchen)
    • [DONE] Template element support in the parser (wchen, hsivonen)
  • Speech API support (
    • [DONE] API implementation (nikhil, intern)
    • Backend service provider may not be available in Q1, not a goal
  • Parser improvements
    • [DEFERRED] Move XML parser off the main thread (hsivonen)
    • [DEFERRED] Standalone C++ for benchmarking and validation (hsivonen)
    • [DEFERRED] Prototype of Rust translation of HTML5 parser (hsivonen)
  • [DONE] Run XBL code in its own compartment (bholley)
  • New DOM bindings improvements
    • [MISSED] Finish up HTMLDocument bindings (peterv)
    • [DONE] Do new bindings for 30 more HTML elements (peterv)
    • [DONE] Implement safe bridge to JS implemented components (mccr8)
    • [DONE] New bindings for DOM events. bug 776864 (smaug)
    • [DONE] Binding build system fixup. (khuey)
  • [DONE] Ship per-window private browsing in Firefox 20 (jdm)
  • [DONE] Ensure that the median age of all DOM sec-critical and sec-high bugs is 3 weeks or less.


  • [DONE] complete remaining work for b2g v1 (all) [4]
  • [DONE] prepare proposal of how to fix appcache to present to relevant W3C groups in Q2 or earlier (sicking, mounir, jan, annevk) [1, 2]
  • [DONE] land centralized quota and storage manager on m-c (bug 767944) (jan) [1, 4]
  • [MISSED] land support for temporary storage (including IndexedDB) on m-c (bug 785884) (jan) [1, 4]
  • [DONE] work with Android team to implement DeviceStorage and/or Apps APIs and land on m-c (sicking) [5, 6]
  • [DONE] present FPWD of Runtime and Security model for apps to W3C SysApps WG (all, annevk) [7]
  • [DONE] prepare a roadmap (bugs and maybe accompanying wiki page or email) for parity between main thread and worker DOM bindings generation (bent) [2, 4, 5, 6]



  • [DONE] Resolve all accessibility security bugs that received a designation of sec-moderate or higher more than six weeks ago. This is a permanent goal for the group. (Trevor+) [7]
  • [DONE] Implement HTML TTS. This goal relates to FF OS a11y solution. (bug 525444) (Eitan+) [4]
    • TODO: connect to TTS drivers.




  • [ON TRACK] Bug 763555, do not do I/O while holding the cache lock.
    • Michal Novotny will lead this effort.
  • [DONE] Bug 816642, use fallocate for cache files to reduce fragmentation. Use this for all platforms on mozilla-central by the end of the quarter, and if we can't use it on a platform for some reason we should know exactly why.
    • Michal Novotny will lead this effort.


  • [ON TRACK] Bug 658222, have TLS False Start enabled for SPDY in mozilla-aurora, ready to ship.
    • Josh Aas will lead this effort.
  • [DEFERRED] Have DASH for WebM turned on by default in Aurora, with the intent for it to ship.
    • Steve Workman will lead this effort.
    • We have decided not to implement this feature for now.
  • [DEFERRED] Have DASH ISO On Demand Profile (h.264 non-live) support landed in mozilla-central.
    • Steve Workman will lead this effort.
    • We have decided not to implement this feature for now.
  • [DEFERRED] Have Air Mozilla site offering DASH by default for all recorded video, ready for use in demos.
    • Nick Hurley will lead this effort.
    • We have decided not to implement this feature for now.


  • [DONE] Allow for pushing patches to Stone Ridge for performance testing.
    • Nick Hurley will lead this effort.
  • [ON TRACK] Complete full page load testing for Stone Ridge.
    • Nick Hurley will lead this effort.
  • [DONE] Complete visualization for Stone Ridge data.
    • Nick Hurley will lead this effort.


  • [ON TRACK] Resolve all networking security bugs that received a designation of sec-moderate or higher more than six weeks ago. This is a permanent goal for the group.
    • Josh Aas will lead this effort.


  • [DEFERRED] Bug 497003, support sending OnDataAvailable() to non-main threads. Have the HTML parser hooked up as a consumer.
    • Jason Duell will lead this effort.
  • [ON TRACK] Bug 600307, have new DOM-storage implementation, which reduces main-thread jank, ready to ship in mozilla-aurora.
    • Honza Bamabs will lead this effort.
  • [DEFERRED] Bug 822833, rewrite AppCache to avoid blocking i/o on the main thread. Have rewrite landed on mozilla-central.
    • Honza Bamabs will lead this effort.
  • [ON TRACK] Bug 819734, token bucket for network bursts.
    • Patrick McManus will lead this effort.
  • [ON TRACK] Bug 813715, throttle bandwidth for highly parallel objects.
    • Patrick McManus will lead this effort.


  • [ON TRACK] Resolve all mobile security bugs that received a designation of sec-moderate or higher more than six weeks ago. This is a permanent goal for the group. [6,7](jchen)
  • WebAPIs [1,6,7](cpeterson)
  • WebRTC [1,6](gcp)
  • Canvas perf [1,2,6](cwiiis)
  • Investigate popular benchmarks [1,2,6](snorp)
  • Support shumway development on Android [1,6](gbrown)
  • bug 749195 Support for multiple profiles [6](kats)