Program Management/Firefox/2012-Q2-Goals

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Projects & Programs

  • PM Goals and projects should directly support highest engineering and product priorities.


Minimal Impact Update

  • [CARRY OVER] Oversee all pieces of Silent Update through release
    • [DONE] Windows security (UAC)
    • [DONE] Background updates
      • On Fx15 Aurora and making it's way towards release.


  • [DONE] Dashboard for tracking burn down
  • Draft project charter


  • [DONE] Analyze Gecko App compatibility with QA+Dev and create plan to tackle App compat issues
    • Initial analysis done, plan done, lots more work coming in Q3 and Q4.


  • [DEFER] Launch game developer focused documentation stream
  • [DONE] Successfully port 3D property using Emscripten
  • [DONE] Land a substantial number of AreWeFunYet features
  • [DONE] Continue and expand conversations with tool developers
  • [DONE] Work with Web App Store to define game specific needs
  • [DONE] Identify and incorporate Mobile and Dev Tools representatives into game strategy
  • [DONE] Improve techniques for keep the community connected


  • Continue to organize and run regular Snappy meetings.
  • Track responsiveness initiatives targeted for Q2 through completion.
    • [DONE] Cycle collector improvements
    • [DONE] New profiling tooling
    • [DEFER] Front-end improvements
      • Deferred as resource required to support other initiatives in Q2.
    • [ON TRACK] Slow SQL improvements
      • Some improvements have already landed. More coming in 3Q.
    • [DONE] Slow startup improvements
    • [ON TRACK] Networking improvements
      • Some improvements have already landed. More coming in 3Q.

Rapid Response Projects

  • Drive the team to a proposed design for Search Hijacking project.


Firefox for Android

  • Ship Fennec Native 1.0
    • Track burn down to release
    • Weekly status: risk evaluation and mitigation
    • Final release plan
  • Road Map Planning Support
    • Themes
    • Scope
    • Timeline

B2G & Gaia

  • Converge M2.5
  • Schedule for M3
  • Feature Tracking and Status
  • Engage with TF counterparts
  • Gaia v1.0
    • Scope
    • Schedule
    • Weekly UX Review

Cross Product


  • Track Socorro Q2 goals
  • Dashboard for managing crash landscape - showing incoming crash rate, fixes crash rate, per component breakdown, top crashes, reproducible crashes and release to release comparisons
  • Triage and cleanup of crash sub lists


  • [CARRY OVER] Improve adoption rate from current 2% on release and nightly.
    • [DEFER] Finalize enabled by default plan on dev channels
      • Some progress made on approvals.
    • [DEFER] New Telemetry promotion for consumer channels
      • Deferred until resources come available from UX and engineering.
  • [DEFER] Complete privacy requirement - embed about:telemetry in product
    • r+ received, should land early 3Q after security review is complete.
  • [DEFER] Continue to improve consumability of Telemetry front-end (dashboard)
    • [DEFER] UX design work
      • Metrics team has put redesign work on hold.
    • [DONE] Functional improvements based on user feedback


  • [DEFER] Design of dashboards for tracking quality metrics
    • Some progress made, the release readiness project is in transition
  • [DEFER] Make elastic search database public
  • [DEFER] Presentation of bugzilla anthropology results
  • [DEFER] Work with stakeholders to develop solutions to pilot


  • [DONE] Hire 1-2 more program/project managers