Program Management/Weekly-Status-Reports/2013-01-22

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  • PM offsite
  • Org changes
  • Goals
  • Requirement summit Thurs
  • Metro work week





  • Worked on Games wiki
  • Followed up game related bugs in 18.0.1.
  • BananaBread Multiplayer working over WebRTC!
    • Still more work to do but it's functional.
    • First level arrived for new multiplayer version.
  • Working on support for Partner Announcement.
  • Worked on trip planning for various partner visits.
  • Assisting BD team to figure out Outsourcer for game ports.


  • Update weekly FFOS Status Report format
  • Add FFOS timeline content to FFOS weekly report
  • Resolve phone issues for MWC, e.g., v790, LG L5, Geek phone
  • Work on possible FFOS Program Retrospective


  • Work Week completed: January 14 - 18.
  • Metro Project Wiki Updated:
    • Project and Iteration statistics will be updated at the conclusion of each Iteration every 2-weeks.
  • Team currently involved in Iteration #1: January 22, 2013 - February 04, 2013
  • Iteration Review and Planning Meeting set for Tuesday February 5.
    • Iteration Review - Asa will provide his feedback on the features included in the release and outline any change requests. Juan will outline any defects found during the functionality testing.
    • Iteration Planning - Any changes and defects will be prioritized as 'P1' feature stories for the upcoming Iteration. The team will then select any new 'P2' Feature Stories to be included in the upcoming Iteration.
    • Iteration Retrospective - Team discussion focusing on identifying beneficial practices, stopping detrimental practices and identifying new practices to be tried in the upcoming Iteration.
  • Asa is currently updating all the legacy stories in Bugzilla.


  • Goals - more refinement
  • Planning offsite in April
  • FHR - tracking perf issues and user facing health report
  • Hiring revisited