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The Open Web Applications project plays an important role in the Mozilla organization. It aims to bring the best aspects of installed applications to the web. It's a future-driven project across different browsers, platforms, and devices. To ensure the quality of the whole product, we will provide our automation knowledge to the Apps team and support them in creating and setting up the necessary test frameworks and a CI integration.

Name: Test Automation for Open Web Applications
Leads: Henrik Skupin, David Clarke
Contributors: David Burns, Dave Hunt, Geo Mealer
QA Tacking Page:

Goals for Q3/11

Because the OWA project has been pushed late in Q2/11, our focus for Q3/11 is to help with the investigation of different test frameworks and supporting the implementation of necessary APIs and tests to allow an automated test execution.

Status Task Description
Started Product Analysis Identify all the products delivered by the OWA project and create rich documentation
Not Started Framework Identification Investigate possible test frameworks for Q3 deliverables


Product Description
Market Place The market place will allow users to purchase and manage premium add-ons and open web applications.
OWA extension
Native Install Android
Web API's
