QA/Browser Technologies/2011-01-13

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Discussion Items

  • Goals Q4 Recap / Q1 Renew (tchung)
  • BT Scrumpad (tchung)
    • questions on it?
    • check in twice a week
  • Services QA team (tchung)
    • summary of upcoming plan
  • Bugzilla Dashboard (tracy)
    • Update on current features, what's next? This is really a QA team item.
      • Metrics is going to work on folding into the QA Bugzilla Dashboard the needed query flexibility to cover the items I've been using. I've given them specs. We'll be meeting to discuss them in a couple weeks.
  • QMO
    • try posting and starting discussions in the BT forum

Project Status

  • Fennec
    • Manual (aakash)
    • Automation (martijn)
  • Sync (Tracy)
    • can we get an update on restorable test accounts?
      • When things ease up a bit, I am going to generate several test accounts on stage. Once complete, I'll post on the wiki what each account contains, what the log-in information is and how we should go about maintaining them.
    • We're down to 13 blockers for Fx4 final, 4 of which are hard blocking.
  • FF Home (Tony)
    • 1.1.1 has been postponed
    • biggest bug is dealing with bug 618969 - flaky wifi for jpake server
  • Test pilot (tracy)
    • They pulled latest version of the search study as it appeared to have be causing issue with the Search engine manager. I specifically tested against this before they released the study and it was all good with clean profiles. We were unable to discovere what the underlying bug was.
  • Jetpack (ayan)
    • Add-on builder 1.0a7 released last week.
    • Jetpack SDK 1.0b2 to code freeze next week.
    • Wait for two weeks for skywriter editor, else defer it to 1.0a9 for Add-on builder.

Round Table

Takeaways and Action Items


  • Tony to review the Q1 goals with team members and component owners
  • Matt-For mobile, would be nice to know what do the tests cover now v/s future addition of features/goals. create a test specification that lists these areas.
  • Ayan to look into test automation in crossweave
  • we should put crossweave link under BT pages
  • Ayan to talk to daniel about roadmap for flightdeck
  • Scrum pad might take a place of status reports but thats down the road.
  • Can be a copy-paste to the status reports but status reports will still co-exist until an update from matt.
  • Check in to scrum pad atleast once a day.
  • Also future meeting notes can be in etherpad.
  • Metrics team agrees to work on dashboard.Tracy added the functionality to be able to save search queries.
  • All - start posting and discussions on QMO. get a buzz going on there.
  • Fennec -
    • trying to sneak in openGL on fennec 4.0 as an option to flash, but highly in doubt. This might be experimental on 4.0 and feedback can be used highly in fennec 5.
    • For open GL, can take reference of test cases from firefox.
    • Fennec 4.0b4 code freeze by 14th. have builds by 21st.and hopefully release by 27th.
  • Sync -
    • tracy to setup several test accounts on stage that will mimic real users.
    • 13 blocker bugs for sync. mostly with the places API.
  • Test pilot - problems with search engine manager.
  • Firefox home-
    • Some talks about trying to create an open web app.
    • Next Fx home update will be fixing the flaky wi-fi server issue
  • Services -
    • tchung met with mconner. Services team can form its own group now.
    • Most of the services work is server side stuff like cloud based stuff.
    • Ragavan - PM, mconner - Director. They plan to have project plan by next week.
    • In future, services team can have own branches, release cycle etc
    • Some products - Account mgmt server, identity server in addiction to sync n jape server
    • They will also have stage servers, dev servers, sandbox servers n production servers
    • As a QA - we need to think how we can support services. Tony to hire 1 QA person for it.