QA/Execution/Web Testing/Meetings/2012-02-09

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Every Thursday @ 9am PDT/PST

Dial-in Information:

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To join from a telephone, dial the following number:

+1 650 903 0800, x92 9303 or +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - conf 9303

Action Items / Takeaways from Last Week

  • Takeaways:
  • Action Items:
    • Need a pull request to get qa-sel7 on-board
      • Zac has done that but some issues remain (see email)
    • Stephen to try to get another Tegra2 from Bob
      • Request is out to John O'Duinn
    • Ask project owners to put a link to the GitHub contributors in the README file in each project
      • While updating the README note the new Addon-Tests README changes and adapt as required.
    • Override a single RC and Webdriver project to each use Firefox 9, as a test of our Grid issue
  • Next owner:
  • Next week's meeting notes:

Discussion Items / Updates

  • Everyone please send Dave links to your automation/manual-testing project's |in-testsuite?| flagged-bugs, or Pivotal Trackers
  • How can we ease the pain of hanged builds?
  • pytest-mozwebqa 0.8 is released!

Project Status / goals for next week (keep it brief)

  • Engagement projects
  • Affiliate
  • Engagement
    • Careers released
    • DTPT patch release went out 2/8
  • Marketplace
  • Input
    • Project hand-off from mbrandt to zac
  • Jetpack Builder (aka FlightDeck)
    • shipped 1.5 this week
  • MDN
    • working on 2.2 and 2.3 for 02/14
  • SUMO
    • 2/7 release went out, 50% of users are currently on Elastic search
    • 2/14 release in process
    • Questions day February 2nd- went really well, answered 80% of new questions for the day [over 250], which was great as it was right after FF10 went out
    • Some work will be done on sumo-tests to bring up to standard
  • Case Conductor
    • Working towards feature parity with new django build, aiming for early February

Community Update

Time off / Out-of-office

  • mbrandt
    • PTO 2/13 and 2/14 - reachable by helicopter or snow mobile
    • Attending UC Berkley Career Fair on 2/15
  • Marlena half day 2/15, full day 2/16 & 2/17
    • Not reachable :op
  • Bebe 2/10
  • rbillings 2/10

Takeaways and Action Items

  • Takeways:
  • Action Items:
    • Stephen to post to the mailing list about the ReMo project timeline
    • Use the build-timeout plugin for jobs that are likely
    • People should send their tasks + Pivotal Trackers + |in-testsuite?| for the upcoming work-week Testday to Dave
    • rbillings will keep the team posted on when the QMO planning meetings will occur so we can all participate
  • Next owner: Stephen
  • Next week's meeting notes: