QA/Execution/Web Testing/Meetings/2012-04-26

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Meeting Details

Please see our public calendar for all upcoming events and meetings.

Our regular team meeting occurs every Thursday @ 9am Pacific

Action Items / Takeaways from Last Week

  • Sumo pull/92 - Matt will review - Done
  • Jmeter pull/2 - Zac will review
  • Perf testing tools - some feedback from the Conference
  • BuildMaster - team seems interested, Zac will pick some names from a hat and we'll trial it.
  • WD/Native Events - (probably) a regression in 2.21 affecting a few of our tests. Some projects have workarounds already
  • Install pre-reqs on Phoenix hub - Zac will install Java/Ant/Git onto the hub node.
  • Paypal/Iframe issue - Dawagner and davehunt are working on clarifying the issue in detail
    • before the next step wrt Sel/Firefox issue
    • - Setup a Fx7 job on Jenkins to maintain Paypal coverage
    • - Add @paypal marker to exclude paypal from Fx11 test run

Discussion Items / Updates

  • How are we doing with investigating performance testing/tools/metrics we need to measure?
    • Got Sergey's pull running in JMeter 2.6; will share what I've found with the team, over email
      • Encourage you all to play with it
  • Goodbye BBQ at Oakwood Apartments for tallowen @ 5:30pm tomorrow night
  • Goals on match, verbatim
    • We need to move on them; will start working with people to assign owners/leads/point of contacts, so we can better-track progress
  • Looks like some Action Chains might not be properly working in Firefox 12 -- Flightdeck started seeing errors when we moved to Firefox 12 from Firefox 11, with Selenium 2.21.0

Engagement Project Status

If you've worked on an engagement project in the last week, enter your name, the project name, and time spent in hours (estimated).

Project Status / goals for next week (keep it brief)

  • Affiliates
    • No releases planned until after WebDev workweek
  • AMO
    • New builds available for paypal tests
    • Audit of existing selenium tests for AMO underway
  • Marketplace
    • Initial pull request for Marketplace test
  • Jetpack Builder (aka FlightDeck)
    • pushed Firefox 12 bugs
  • Mozillians
  • MDN
    • no push this week
  • Socorro
  • SUMO
    • Continuous deployment, no updates
  • MozTrap
    • Planning for Selenium development

Community Update

  • Meeting has been postponed until next week due to excessive busy-ness

Time off / Out-of-office

  • Tuesday May 1st is a National Holiday in Romania (Labor Day) and all SoftVision teams will be out of office
  • Bebe PTO 30 April
  • Alin PTO 30 April
  • Teodosia 30 April - 03 May

Takeaways and Action Items

  • Takeaways
    • Alin and Zac will follow up offline about Buildmaster
  • Action Items:
    • [zac] Everybody should try to take a look at the jmeter pull/2. Stephen successfully looked at it - Zac will review by next meeting
    • [dave] Phoenix hub - move the jobs over (AMO) and ensure they work - time to get some test jobs running
    • Paypal/Iframe issue - Dawagner and davehunt are working on clarifying the issue in detail
      • Before the next step wrt Sel/Firefox issue
      • Setup a Fx7 job on Jenkins to maintain Paypal coverage
      • Add @paypal marker to exclude paypal from Fx11 test run
      • Dave is going to talk to Client Talbert - is there a clean way to implement this that also makes the security team happy
  • [stephen] to get leads to shepherd our Q2 goals
  • Next owner: Stephen
  • Next week's meeting notes: Bebe