QA/Execution/Web Testing/Meetings/2012-05-31

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Meeting Details

Please see our public calendar for all upcoming events and meetings.

Our regular team meeting occurs every Thursday @ 9am Pacific

Discussion Items / Updates

  • instance in Phoenix/Jenkins ( -- status?
    • Set up job in
    • Start hub and node on boot
    • Restart hub and node on failure
    • Push PHX changes to moz-grid-config
    • Clone node VM for running tests in parallel
    • Documentation!
  • Need help getting the new-user registration flow back up on browserid-tests, against and, using BIDPOM.
  • Stalled builds are back, and now we have the backup plugin there's a new side-effect: the plugin prepares Jenkins for shutdown before a backup, but waits for all jobs to complete (and enforces 'quiet node' after waiting 2 hours). If there are stalled jobs then Jenkins is essentially doing nothing until the jobs are aborted. I think we may need to investigate using the pytest-timeout plugin, however it currently clashes with pytest-mozwebqa. For now I have re-enabled abort for and
  • After investigating the above, I noticed that the backups were failing. This was due to the drive they are backed up to not being mounted. I have fixed this, but it should be a buildmaster responsibility to ensure backups are successful.
  • There seems to still be confusion over implicit/explicit timeouts with WebDriver and Selenium Grid timeouts. The former are important to understand when writing tests. How can we improve this situation? implicit & explicit wait
  • We still need (per our Q2 goals) 3 testdays -- what's yours going to be on, and when? :-)
    • Remember, they don't have to be on Friday...
  • Devices update:
    • Softvision should be able to get what they need, per Bob
    • for the rest of us: guideline is "as many devices as the team reasonably needs"
      • for B2G: plan to run on the reference phones, but can use what we have now (Galaxy S II) to get automation in place
      • also a recommendation for native fennec:
        • just run on Samsung Nexus S
  • How are we doing with investigating performance testing/tools/metrics we need to measure?

Engagement Project Status

If you've worked on an engagement project in the last week, enter your name, the project name, and time spent in hours (estimated).

  • Betafarm 1.5 hrs rbillings

Project Status / goals for next week (keep it brief)

  • Affiliates
    • No updates
  • AMO
  • Marketplace
  • Input
  • Jetpack Builder (aka FlightDeck)
    • pushing this weeks release today
  • Mozillians
    • The TaskBoard has been de-prioritized as a goal for this quarter
    • The Phonebook: Basecamp goals
      • allow users to add geographic location data to their profiles
      • enhanced search/filter capabilities: Group, Skill, and Location
      • an API for the Phonebook
      • the tree is open for commits - the 06-06-2012 train leaves this morning
  • MDN


  • Rebecca is next

Community Update

Time off / Out-of-office

  • rbillings working remotely 6/13-7/4
  • davehunt: 06/04 - 06/05 Public holiday in the UK
  • davehunt: 06/06 - 06/13 PTO
  • June 4th is a national holiday in Romania - TeamRO will be out of office

Action Items / Takeaways

  • Takeaways:

Dave's Clarification on Selenium issues discussion:

    • Implicit things that are introduced into new selenium, time out and timing the tests.
    • Time out related to py.tests.
    • Implicit wait times are hard coded
    • Time out and implicit time out are they the same.

Talk to stephen about test dates and if available for one.

Device situation in WebQA team: every one who wants to get a B2G phone, Consult with Stephen and have to talk with Clint Tagret phones going to be introduced in a few weeks. Currently supports Galaxy S2 and Google Nexus.

SLA still being worked on

  • Action Items:
    • Remind Stephen about 2.22 problem talked about in the meeting to get it back up and working
    • Raymond and Stephen: Talk with Clint about Mobile phones test (B2G)
    • Stephen & Krupa: needs to talk to Jason about top app testing
    • Krupa: to talk about new new tab next week.
    • Stephen: To see the best way to get status updates on marionette on B2G.
    • Stephen: Talk to Jake from IT for performance monitoring.
    • Rebecca: to ask Dev's how project affected by K9o.

  • Next owner: Aditya