QA/Execution/Web Testing/Meetings/2012-08-30

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Meeting Details

Please see our public calendar for all upcoming events and meetings.

Our regular team meeting occurs every Thursday @ 9am Pacific

Action Items / Takeaways from Last Week

  • Takeaways:
  • Action Items:

Discussion Items / Updates

Engagement Project Status

If you've worked on an engagement project in the last week, enter your name, the project name, and time spent in hours (estimated).

  • Affiliates FB app - 5hrs rbillings

Project Status / goals for next week (keep it brief)

  • Affiliates
    • FB app being tested, release scheduled for next week
    • Ioana is helping as a contributor
  • AMO
  • Marketplace
  • Mozillians
  • MDN
  • Socorro
  • SUMO
    • UI revamp project is being tested
    • gaby2300 & terrameijar are contributing
  • MozTrap
  • Wiki
  • B2G (Firefox OS)


Community Update

Time off / Out-of-office

  • mbrandt - PTO 8/30 - 9/9
  • bebe - PTO 8/31

Takeaways and Action Items

  • Takeways:
  • Action Items:
  • Next owner / scribe:
  • Next week's meeting notes: