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«Fennec 18 Beta 2 | Fennec 18 Beta 3 | Fennec 18 Beta 4 »

Fennec (Firefox for Android) 18.0 Beta 3 Test Plan


See the Feature Release Tracking wiki for a general overview of this release. Found below are a subset of all high-priority items

Feature Owner Status Tests
Android Snippets Tracy blocked QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Safe Browsing IoanaChiorean in progress QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Android Global Search Nicolae (:xti) Completed QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
[Readability Improvements (Font Inflation)] PaulFeher in progress QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
[Graphics (Checkerboarding Improvements)] in progress QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References
Custom Menu, stage 2 AdrianT Completed QA Feature Tracking & MozTrap References


QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Smoketests Softvision Every Beta

Light verification tests (or smoketests) will be first run when the builds are ready. Tests are available on Mozilla Moztrap under the 18.0 smoketest suite. In any case of failure in any Smoketest, blockers need to be raised ASAP before proceeding to the BFTs.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Adrian Tamas Motorola Droid 3 (Android 2.3.4) December 6th, 2012 PASS
Paul Feher LG Slider (Android 2.3.4) December 6th, 2012 PASS
Ioana Chiorean Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.1, ARMv7) December 5th, 2012 PASS
Paul Feher Motorola Droid Pro (Android 2.3.4) December 6th, 2012 PASS
Nicolae Cristian Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7" (Android 4.0.4) December 6th, 2012 PASS
Andreea Pod Asus EEE Transformer (Android 4.0.3) December 6th, 2012 PASS
Catalin Suciu Samsung Galaxy Tab (Android 3.1) December 6th, 2012 PASS

Detailed Smoketest results

Exploratory Testing around IME

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
BFTs Softvision Alternating

Basic Functional Tests are a more comprehensive set of Mozilla Moztrap manually covered tests that cover functional testing of features that have landed.

Detailed BFT results

Android Permissions Testing

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Verification Softvision Every Beta
Assigned Device Completed Results
Paul Feher LG Slider (Android 2.3.4, ARMv6) December 6th, 2012 PASS
Ioana Chiorean Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.1) December 6th, 2012 PASS
Catalin Suciu Samsung Galaxy Tab (Android 3.1) December 6th, 2012 PASS

Detailed Android Permissions Testing Results
Verify permissions between what is currently on the store and with this beta build candidate.
Details: Android Permissions

L10N (Localization) Spot Checks

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Spot Check Verification SoftVision Every Beta

Light testing on featured locales to ensure strings fit the space allotted and there are no entity errors from missing or corrupt localizations.

Assigned Device Completed Results
Ioana Chiorean Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.1, ARMv7) December 5th, 2012 Pass - no changes

Detailed L10N matrix

Branch Bug Fix Verifications

QA Task Person/Group How Often?
Verification Softvision Every Beta

AppThwack Automation

QA Task Person/Group How often?
Runs against ARMv6 and ARMv7 Aaron Alternating

Automated installation, uninstallation, and Android Monkeyrunner tests against uploaded ARM6 and ARMv7 builds; primarily useful for detecting startup crashes, incompatibilities, install-times and UI oddities

Assigned Build Completed Results
Ioana Chiorean December 6th, 2012 Pass

Detailed AppThwack Results


[In Progress] Product Announcements

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
695767 Updated es-CL snippets.lang -- RESOLVED
744792 do 3.6.13 through 3.6.28 -> 11.0 major updates P2 RESOLVED
774497 [meta] Android product announcements P1 RESOLVED
788878 Privacy Review for Android product announcements P1 RESOLVED
789296 [Security Review] Campaign management / product announcements for Firefox for Android P1 RESOLVED
793053 Implement Android product announcements client service P1 RESOLVED
793056 Implement Android campaign product announcements opt-out UX P1 RESOLVED
793936 Implement Campaign Manager for Firefox for Android Product Announcements P1 RESOLVED
799834 Connect Android campaign product announcements preference to background service P1 RESOLVED
800692 Notification icon asset for product announcement -- RESOLVED
801225 Cleanup and restructuring of Android services code to support product announcements feature -- RESOLVED
806024 Enable Android product announcements client service P1 RESOLVED
806634 Announcements: record browser launch in the correct place P1 RESOLVED
807546 Specify Connection: close in fetch requests -- RESOLVED
812809 Adjust product announcements constants to allow for easier testing -- VERIFIED
833991 Security Review for Android App Not Responding (ANR) Reporting -- RESOLVED

16 Total; 0 Open (0%); 15 Resolved (93.75%); 1 Verified (6.25%);

[In Progress] Support for use of custom fonts

  • Feature Page is here
  • Reflow-on-zoom landed, preff'ed off by default, but can be enabled by a settings-menu option: bug 710298, bug 795932
  • Message was sent to MTD but we need more directed testing
  • Kats is still working on a prototype: it should esp help with constrained height
  • We will turn the knobs to identify a sweet spot between font inflation, reflow, shipping with fonts
  • Hiding URL bar <== don't have status on this, need bug number?

[In Progress] New web content font

  • A sample font from Font Shop is being tested internally; UX and Brad are living with the fonts for about a week to get a sense of legibility (Reader Mode as first priority; rest of UI to be investigated).
  • We may need to do some extra work to load system fonts firts, still need to add support for open-type fonts (small patch required) and set prefs for stock fonts vs. our fonts

[In Progress] Search Suggestions Opt-In

  • Search suggestions opt-in workflow
Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
586885 show search suggestions when entering text in awesome bar P3 VERIFIED
773788 Provide client-side urlbar suggestions for top domains -- RESOLVED

2 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (50%); 1 Verified (50%);

[Landed] Phishing & Malware Protection

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
651860 revise safebrowsing UI for mobile -- RESOLVED
741808 Finish enabling URL classification in SafeBrowsing.js component -- RESOLVED
781689 Remove usage of nsIDOMWindowUtils.goOnline() in mobile's netError.xhtml -- RESOLVED

3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);