QA/Fennec/Form auto-fill improvements

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Feature Reference

  • Meta Bug: bug 985516
  • Overal Status: (not user visible)
    • Nightly:
    • Aurora:
    • Beta:
  • Owner:(Cristina Madaras, irc: CristinaM)


Profile information

Credit card information

Protect credit card information

Testing details


META bug list

Full Query
ID Priority Summary Status Assigned to
725007 P3 dismissing the Autocomplete formfill after deleting any typed letters with Swype will leave a character behind RESOLVED
902101 -- Add option to disable search and form history (formfill, autofill) on Android RESOLVED
947726 -- Form fill box doesn't disappear when it should RESOLVED
985519 P3 Ability to provide autofill suggestions for profiles RESOLVED
985522 P3 Ability to retrieve and autofill profile information RESOLVED
985524 P3 Autofill settings UI RESOLVED
985530 P3 Ability to save profile information RESOLVED
985538 P3 Profile settings UI RESOLVED
985617 -- Ability to add/edit profile information in autofill settings RESOLVED
985624 -- Ability to save payment information RESOLVED
985633 -- Ability to provide autofill suggestions for payment info RESOLVED
985634 -- Ability to retrieve and autofill payment info RESOLVED
985636 -- Ability to add, edit & delete saved payment info RESOLVED
985637 -- Protect payment information with passcode RESOLVED
987539 -- Form Autofill feature introduction in Settings RESOLVED
997718 -- Provide better filtering for saved form data RESOLVED
1009374 -- Form autofill menu should be scrollable RESOLVED

17 Total; 0 Open (0%); 17 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);


  • testcases related (easier to track so when feature changes - update testcases)