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« QA/Firefox3

Top Critical issues for QA

This is a working list that QA is using to request be fixed or completed for the Upcoming Fx3 Milestones.

If you have untracked issues in these areas, please enter them here:

  • Design still incomplete?
  • Major bugs blocking your feature that should be addressed?
  • Major bugs blocking overall regression of the trunk that should be fixed before shipping?

Update We've shipped Fx3.0! Next steps is to start tracking 3.1 and 3.0.1 bugs.


Firefox 3 QA Test Strategy

The goal of this Overall Test Plan is to lay out our testing strategy, communicate it to others, and track the status.

Major QA Activities:

Firefox 3 Central

Requirements and Ownership


Test Areas

Feature Focused Areas

Key: L = Large (3-6 weeks) M = Medium (2-4 weeks) S = Small (1-2 weeks)

Test Plan Template

Feature Area and Spec Test Plan Location QA Contact Size Description
Addons Addons Test Plan tchung (new Addons Manager UI, Extensions), stephend (Unified Plugin Manager) M Add-on management system, plugin management system, localized user-facing addon text, configuration, updates, Installation, Discovery, FUEL 0.2
Content Handling Microformat Test Plan

Web Application Test Plan

Download Manager Test Plan
ctalbert, stephend (Download Manager) L microformats, Content Type Processing, download manager, MIME type support, User Interface, Media Plugins (needs definition), firebug (at risk)
Partner Distribution TBD tracy, ctalbert M High-Touch/Low-Touch distros, regression, updates, test automation
OS Platform Integration Vista Test Plan Tomcat, marcia M Vista Support (At Risk), MSI bundling, Airbag / Breakpad, parental controls (At Risk), Notification, Vista Installer
Gecko Platform Integration Gecko Platform Test Plan

Offline Apps Test Plan

martijn, marcia M Cairo graphics, nxTextFrame migration to Thebes, Reflow Branch, Caret painting rewrite, Cross-domain XMLHttpRequest (Cocoa widgets covered under Mac Test Plan)
Mac OS Platform Integration (includes Gecko) Mac OS Integration Test Plan

Leopard Test Plan

Tomcat, marcia M Leopard support, Cocoa implementation, widgets, form controls, Growl Integration on Mac, Mac Installer
Places Places Test Plan Tracy, ABillings L Bookmarks, History Indexing, Data Management, User Interface, Extensibility, Performance
Location Bar Location Bar Test Plan Stephend S new Location Bar design. Auto-complete
Search / Tabbed Browsing / Visual Refresh Search, Tabs, Visual Refresh Test Plan

Tab Switching Test

Mac Theme Test Plan
Tomcat (search), Marcia (tabbed browsing) S User Interfacing, Animations, Data management
Security, Privacy / Password, Identity Security / Privacy Test Plan

Password Manager Testplan
Tomcat, juanb L password management, Phishing protection, Private web browsing, Blacklisting (At Risk), password Manager, Password Security
Breakpad Client/Server Breakpad Crash Reporting Test Plan ss S Crash reporting tests from client/server, analysis, load
User Support TBD Tomcat, ss S Help content, Reporter, feedback, Customization options

Now owned by SUMO team - David Tensor.

L10N Testing L10N Test Plan ctalbert, tchung S test automation, new locales, string lengths, bookmarks, rss, search plugins
L10n Testing L10n Test Plan stephend, pascalc, tchung, timr M see test plan
UI Accessibility UI Accessibility Test Plan MarcoZ S UI accessibility convention testing
Major Update Tests (2.0.x -> FF3) Major Update Test Plan tchung, juanb, tracy M update verification from 2.0.x builds to 3.0b1+. includes upgrades/downgrades/sidegrade cases
Memory Leaks Memory Leaks Test Plan tomcat M Checking for memory leaks and asserts on debug builds

Regression Areas

  • Top Web accessibility Tests
    • Plugins (eg. Flash, java, AJAX)
    • Extensions (eg. Firebug, NoScript, Fotofox)
    • Themes (eg. Vista, Joga, Simpsons)
    • Top Site Tests (eg. Alexa top 50)
    • Financial Sites (eg. banks, online trading)
  • Accessibility Tests
  • User Performance Testing
  • Major / Minor Update Testing
  • L10N Testing (may coincide with Feature area)
  • Distribution Testing (may coincide with Feature area)

Ownership Needed Litmus Test Case Areas

These are Litmus test case areas that are currently unowned.

  • RSS->marcia
  • Printing -> Tomcat, tchung
  • Location Bar -> Stephend
  • Find -> TBD
  • Customize Toolbar -> TBD
  • Mac Leopard -> marcia

Tiger Team Testing

Daily smoketests are ran against nightly trunk builds. Please see marcia for more information.

Link to Schedule and Assignments


For Firefox 2 we had Bug 353206 as extension Tracking bug.

The following extensions were never fixed from their extension compatibly authors to be able to install in Firefox 2.

Top Crash reports

The main report is the easiest to view.

Tracking Top crashes from Beta 3

  • High Priority for beta 4
    • Resolved Fixed bug 418377 - crash [@ XPCWrappedNativeScope::FindInJSObjectScope(XPCCallContext&, JSObject*, int)]
    • Nom for blocking? please approve bug 418378 - crash [@ nsGlobalWindow::SaveWindowState(nsISupports**)]
    • Nom for blocking? please approve bug 418381 - crash [@ HashString(nsAString_internal const&)]
  • Lower Priority
    • bug 391311 - Topcrash: [@ nsChromeRegistry::CheckForNewChrome] during startup
    • bug 418379 - crash [@ nsNavHistoryFolderResultNode::FindChildById(__int64, unsigned int*)]
    • bug 418382 - crash [@ UniscribeItem::SaveGlyphs(gfxTextRun*)]
    • bug 418384 - crash [@ ClientData::GetOtlTable(long, unsigned char const**, unsigned long*)]

Banking and Financial Sites

For Firefox 3, we’re asking community members and MoCo QA to state which banks and financial institutions they're willing to test. Please add your name to the list.

L10n Testing with Third Parties

For additional string testing, Mozilla contracts a third party company to utilize language experts with knowledge of Testing. Results are listed in the links here.

Review Feedback

In this section, we will roll up all common feedback pulled from external sources that appears common and should be tracked by QA. Feedback sources can include:

Feedback summary and review notes are posted here.

Flash Beta plugin Testing

Post Mortem Notes

The following is a collection of post mortem notes that the team has collected over the course of the release.

Additional References

New FF3 Feature list - An incomplete list of what Firefox 3 developers are working on.