QA/QA Community/Meetings/2011-06-29

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QA Community Team Meeting

  • June 29, 2011
  • Attendees:

Upcoming Testdays

Discussion Items

  • Discuss recent hiring of Community managers in Marketing Team
  • "Contribute to Mozilla" Science Fair event at the Drumbeat Festival in November
    • Marcia Sent mail to Mark Surman and Michelle to put feelers out for this event.
  • Marcia and Tomcat have joined the Mozilla Reps program - if other employees are interested they can join as well.
  • Reminder to use for any ideas you have.

Project Status

  • Owen and Marcia sat down to work on ways to improve the Firefox Desktop messaging for new users in QMO.

Community Building/Events (ideas and progress) [marcia/tomcat/ashughes]

  • Friday Open Source Meetup in Munich - followed by the "summer break" till september/october
  • now joined Mozilla Reps (ReMo) since the idea came up to promote Mozilla more to the Munich Area/Munich Universities - will think how to expand this there

QA Videos [marcia]

  • Not much to update here. Will try to meet with Rainer to talk further about status of video projects.

QMO [abillings]


Meeting Notes/Action Items

  • Action items from (20110615)meeting
    • marcia and owen to meet to talk about badging rewards

  • Action items from (20110601)meeting
  • Need more moderators for this week's test day
  • Need to get Test Day posts up on QMO early if we have one scheduled.
    • Please review QMO badge sketches that Al sent out on 5/26/11
      • Marcia following up with Mary re: events
  • Videos - Think about refreshing the QA video on the front page
  • Action Items from (20110518) meeting
    • [DONE] ashughes to add TestDay checklist info to and also make the schedule a static link
    • 'Marcia to add a Brainstorming scrumpad to Community page where suggestions can be made such as improvements to QMO, video ideas, etc.'
    • Marcia to follow up with Rainer to get the video of the QA team at Whistler
    • Marcia to Dig deeper with Mary about events after Friday meeting
    • Tracy owes Tony a video for sync - Introduction to Sync - Tips and Tricks on how to test
    • Al to get TwoPress URL - maybe look at it once it is up on QMO staging site
    • Expansion of testdays into the European and Asian

timezones. Softvision can help us here. Henrik sees this as very impt. to the expansion of our community