QA/QA Community/Meetings/2011-10-05

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QA Community Team Meeting

  • October 5, 2011
  • Attendees: marcia, ashughes, abillings, mevans, jbonacci

Upcoming Testdays

Discussion Items

  • QA SIG document
  • Henrik's Proposal regarding having team slides for a General QA presentation
    • Status? We may need this for Malaysia event
  • Goals
    • Q3: what were they? and how did we do?
    • Q4: do we have any proposed goals?
      • Every team should have their own "community" goal, every person a goal to work toward that team goal -- mentorship is an easy one to include
      • Community Team goals should be broader (Stewards, Events, REMO, etc) -- how we will support team community goals
  • Better ways to reach out to sync community? [jbonacci]
    • Bugzilla was besieged by bugs when sync had issues

Project Status

Community Building/Events (ideas and progress) [marcia/ashughes]

  • Mozilla Festival Event on Track.
    • Contribute area will be outside and we are working on putting together a standing banner
  • MozCamp Berlin Status
    • Community invites have been submitted
  • MozCamp Malaysia Status

QA Videos [marcia]

  • Trying to finish the polish on the nightly video this week.

QMO [abillings]

  • Fixed DB corruption issue caused in the forums yesterday. Acute cause is unknown and unlikely to be known.
    • DB is backed up regularly so we're ok even if we cannot recover.
  • Expecting to upgrade to Buddypress 1.5 in the next week
    • Major update to BP functionality and integration. Should help with some of the longterm use as more plugins update to it.
  • Need to identify what our next quarter goals are for QMO.
    • What improvements do people actually **need** or want for QMO to make it more useful?
  • Planned user survey for last quarter didn't happen.
    • Al will talk to engagement on process and best practices for user survey.


Meeting Notes/Action Items

Action items/Notes from (20111005) meeting

Action Items

  • Team leads to come up with 2 slides to use as part of a general QA presentation
    • Target deadline is before MozCamp Malaysia event in mid November
  • Team leads to create a set of Q4 community goals (will be on a public wiki but link back to the intranet page)
  • Work to improve Services content on QMO [marcia and jbonacci]
  • Construct a user survey to post on QMO [abillings]
  • Set up a Browser ID Test Day for next Friday [jbonacci and ashughes]


  • Test Days
    • Browser ID Test Day on the radar for next Friday
  • QA Sig
    • Consider Inviting our regular users to help us define the role and put up a blog post
  • QA Team Slide Preso
    • Team Leads
      • Advertise and evangelize what we do within each team
      • Charter at team level
      • Similar to what we did at the Summit
      • Summary slide
  • QA Team Goals
    • Break the community down into teams
    • Link to the Goals page - Q4 it should be on the public wiki
    • Each Team should have a set of Q4 community goals
  • QA Services Team
    • Advertise it on QMO. Marcia to work with James to get content updated on QMO.
    • Longer term goal
      • How do we prevent this in the future. Postmortem about how to avoid this in the future.
      • Education, fixing code, stopping
      • James to talk to Pete about load test that would have shown this. Making sure we test this in the future will be important
  • Events
    • Please see Mary Colvig's email regarding the MozCamps
  • QMO
    • Blocking issue - hard to know where QA wants to go with QMO and that drives the development decisions
    • User survey on QMO - Did not happen last quarter but Al will get some team feedback and work on it for this quarter.

Action items/Notes from (20110907) meeting

Action Items:

  • Get communications out as soon as possible for upcoming Test Day(entire team)
  • Make timezone a dropdown instead of free form text field in TestDay questionnaire [ashughes]
  • marcia to contact Mary about status of Firefox 4 tshirts.
  • marcia and matt to sync up offline re: blurb for GTAC meetup
  • matt to clarify if the next mtg will be during QA work week
  • waverly to organize a Test Day event for the 16th and 23rd.
  • ashughes needs team feedback on
  • marcia needs to get a vidyo URL to post

Whiteboard Status thread

  • Identify how we are going to proceed
  • Dedicated time within the work week to get things assigned.
  • Goal of the work week that we have done a lot of triage - clearly Firefox 8-9-10

Move forward with plans to get Devs involved in QA test events

  • Push forward invite to a Webcast -
  • Get Something planned for dev.planning - request help from devs that are interested
  • Target Friday of the QA work week - possibly the 23rd
  • Doesn't have to be a developer that hosts the test event. Could be someone like Asa or Mitchell

Meetups in Klug

  • Matt suggested that the Waverly team set one up and then go from there.
  • Next meeting
  • Unclear whether the next Community meeting will fall during the QA Work week

Action items/Notes from (20110824) meeting

  • GTAC
    • Consensus around the theme
    • Perhaps Involve Bob's group
    • Advertise in GTAC forums, Linked in, Lightning talks
    • What is the goal of having the meetup?
      • I think we want to keep the notion of talks to lightning talks - social interaction should be emphasized
  • Adding others to this meeting:
    • Increase the visibility of our involvement into community - advertising blitz to this meeting. Call into this meeting.
    • Focal point of our community involvement. Call to our community - Adding others to this meeting -> Broader community -> Focal point - wider participation in this meeting.
    • Key is to Advertise as much as we possibly can - Better communication - Every Two weeks
  • QA Ambassadors
    • Building a more global community - have people involved in more places around the world
    • We should think of anything we could ask of them - owen
    • What do we want them to do?
    • Draft Document is on Google documents -> Will send out in notes
  • Test Days
    • Testday Drivers/Topics for September
    • Matt recommends not doing something on 9/2
    • Can we use vidyo - record a webcast of the screen sharing video itself - planning to do for this test day on Friday. AI - Advertise it - Trial run with Joe Drew this Friday
    • Recorded session versus webcast - what we can do with it.
    • Combination would be good - screencast

Action Items/Notes from (20110713) meeting

  • GTAC - Matt will register team. Something around test automation - demo hot tools in automation. October 26-27, 2011 in Mt. View
  • Firefox Testday Cadence
    • Best time for Beta test day is one week after the merge
    • Best time for Aurora test day is 4 weeks after the merge
    • ashughes to create public page to suggest topics
  • QMO
    • - do we really need it? owen is confused and other people may be confused.
    • File a bug to remove the QA Community Team Page
    • How we do our org chart internally-and how we present to community does not have to be a 1:1 correlation.

Action items from (20110615) meeting

  • marcia and owen to meet to talk about badging rewards

Action items from (20110601) meeting

Action Items from (20110518) meeting

  • [DONE] ashughes to add TestDay checklist info to and also make the schedule a static link
  • 'Marcia to add a Brainstorming scrumpad to Community page where suggestions can be made such as improvements to QMO, video ideas, etc.'
  • Marcia to follow up with Rainer to get the video of the QA team at Whistler
  • Marcia to Dig deeper with Mary about events after Friday meeting
  • Tracy owes Tony a video for sync - Introduction to Sync - Tips and Tricks on how to test
  • Al to get TwoPress URL - maybe look at it once it is up on QMO staging site
  • Expansion of testdays into the European and Asian

timezones. Softvision can help us here. Henrik sees this as very impt. to the expansion of our community