QA/Test Automation/2010-06-30

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  • Aaron, Adrian, Matt, Geo, Al, Henrik, Anthony

Last weeks action Items

  • Run Mozmill tests against 3.7 and update failure spreadsheet (Anthony)
  • Investigation and fixing of 3.7 only failures (Geo and Henrik)
  • Feedback for result data proposal (Everyone)
  • Setting team goals for Q3 (Henrik)


Mozmill (Henrik)
  • Release for Mozmill 1.4.2 targeted for end of July (All bugs)
  • Patch up for accessing dynamic menus (thanks goes to Marco Bonardo)
Test creation / shared modules (Henrik)
  • 1 new test for Awesomebar (Al)
  • 3 updates for shared modules
Broken Tests
  • Firefox 4.0 (Geo)
    • 11 bugs fixed in the last two weeks
  • Firefox 3.5/3.6 (Anthony)
Update Tests (Henrik)
  • Needs back porting to branches (after testing from Anthony)
MozMill Crowd extension (Henrik)
  • Design specs created
  • UI implemented (only needs fixes for own preference dialog)
  • Successful integration of IPC component for using pipes
  • Test-runs can already be spawned (needs only better handling of asynchronous threads for updating the output console - avoid crashes)
Add-ons Testing (Henrik)
  • Fidesfit extension still under review (bug 570493)
(Release) Testing (Henrik)
Result / Dashboard (Henrik)
  • Result Data finalized - implementation will happen next month
  • Experimental Mockup for presentation

Risky Goals

  • Result dashboard


  • Last two weeks
    • Collected Q3 goals
    • Supplying and verifying patches for Mozmill 1.4.2
    • Working on shared API's (PrefsAPI, SoftwareUpdate, ToolbarAPI)
    • Fixed 2 broken Mozmill tests
    • Implementation of the Crowd extension
  • Next two weeks
    • Make Mozmill Crowd working for science fair
    • Create and hold the breakout session at the Summit
    • Implement sending the correct result data
  • Last two weeks
    • 12 patch reviews
    • Verified new update scripts against Minefield
    • Fixed 3 tests
    • 12 update test cycles
  • Next two weeks
    • Help Henrik prepare for Summit
    • Nail down Q3 goals
    • Fix 4 tests
  • Last two weeks:
  • Next two weeks:
    • Fix any remaining 4.0 failures
    • Summit
  • Last two weeks:
    • Investigating and fixing broken Mozmill test failures, red/yellow (i.e., see spreadsheet here
  • Next two weeks:
    • More broken test fixing, l10n (adrian?)
  • Last two weeks:
    • updated my WIP patch to make existing tests work with localized builds to apply on the current mozmill-tests repository (and fixed a big bug too)
  • Next two weeks:
    • I hope to have a ready-to-review patch by Tuesday

Contributor Status

  • Name


  • License for Mozmill Tests (Public Domain or MPL)
  • Break-out session not accepted (Matt will check)
  • Science fair booth accepted (we will need a poster)
  • Strange hangs of Mozmill during test-runs on several machines (bug 571630)
    • Handed Win2000 VM over to Clint

Action Items

  • Update templates to use the MPL again (Henrik)
  • Make sure the breakout session will happen (Matt)
  • Plans for a session during the summit (Henrik)