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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

MozRep-Final-Outline.png Main | Join | Procedures (SOPs) | Leadership (Resources) | Meetings | Website | FAQ

First Steps

  • If you are involved in organizing an event for Mozilla, please add it to the Community Portal, so others can easily find it.
  • For the planning of an event, you're strongly encouraged to setup up a wiki page with the event name as title and all relevant information.
  • Attend the weekly Reps Call to ask questions and advice from other Mozilla Reps.


Please check the Mozilla Visual Identity Guidelines, the Firefox Visual Identity Guidelines and the Thunderbird Visual Identity Guidelines


See the swag-related SOP for more information.

Media and Flyers

See the Events Toolkit for more information.


  • Other Mozilla Reps and the broader community is interested in your experience organizing and participating in an event. What are the lessons learned? What worked? What didn't work? Where is potential to improve something?
  • All Mozilla Reps who were sponsored to organize or attend an event are tasked to write a short report of their event on their personal blog. The report does not have to be too long, but must contain sufficient information so as to have a general feel of the success of the event and clear lessons learned to think about when organizing future similar events. Check the event reporting SOP for more info.
  • If you took photos of your event, make sure to share them and link to them on your blog. This is a good resource to see how the booth layout was and the surroundings.


  • If you have a small booth (only a small table), take your laptop with you and use it to show Mozilla to the visitors.
  • At larger booth you have the issue that you need more hardware especially larger TFTs. A good solution is to check if there is a Mozilla office in this city and then ask the people there to help out with hardware. This works very well.