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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

MozRep-Final-Outline.png Main | Join | Procedures (SOPs) | Leadership (Resources) | Meetings | Website | FAQ

The following is a list of SOPs that will be very useful to all Mozilla Reps. Find your role, what you want to do and go!

What is an SOP?
A SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is a written document or instruction detailing all steps and activities of a process or procedure. (see more about SOPs)

You are a:


...a Mozilla Rep spreading Mozilla love around the world!


...a Mozilla Reps Mentor helping other Reps and streamlining procedures!


...a Mozilla Reps Admin running the infrastructure of the program.



Interested in becoming a Mozilla Rep? Apply today by following three easy steps!



Reporting back on a regular basis is a crucial part of your role as a Mozilla Rep. This involves documenting and sharing all your activities so that your mentor can see your progress and support you where needed, but also so that the broader community can have full visibility on all the amazing work that you are doing. This includes events you are organizing or participating in, the more that the experience is shared with others, the better. As a Mozilla Rep, it's really important for you to report about the events you're involved in by blogging, taking photos of their events and reporting back to your mentor and fellow Mozilla Reps. This also allows other Mozillians to see what the Reps program is doing and might give them ideas on how to collaborate with Mozilla Reps.

More info about reporting

Vouching for a ReMo Applicant

Mozilla Reps are strongly encouraged to identify and help onboard new Mozilla Reps. If you have identified a Mozillian who you feel has the qualities to become a Mozilla Reps and that Mozillian applies to the program, make sure that applicant references your name in the application form.

More info about vouching


Attending an event

Representing Mozilla at an event requires a bit of preparation, here's a quick checklist as you prepare to attend an event.

More info about attending an event

Organizing your own event

Hosting a Mozilla event is a lot of fun but involves a little bit of preparation of course. Here's some standard procedures that can help make your event a success.

More info about hosting an event

Setting up a booth

If you're planning on holding a Mozilla booth at a conference or a tradeshow, here's a practical checklist you'll find useful to make sure you've got a nice and fun booth that can attract lots of people :)

More info about running a Mozilla booth

Event Types


Small and regular event, that gathers local Mozillians and Mozilla enthusiasts, to update them on recent Mozilla news.

More info about Mozilla Coffees

Project Specific Hackathon

Day long (or more) focused event on a specific project of Mozilla (or the Open Web).

More info about hackathons

Mozilla Tour

A tour to promote Mozilla within a region that involves traveling around to different cities and hosting events in a short period of time

More info about Mozilla Tours

Community Meetup

Community wide events (1-3 days) bringing together contributors for goal setting and project hacking

More info about community meetups

InterCommunity Meetup

Large scale, multiple communities, multiple days event bringing together contributors from nearby countries/regions

More info about inter-community meetups

[SPECIAL] Developer Engagement Events

There are some events that Mozilla's Developer Engagement Team would like to sponsor Reps to attend. For these events, Reps will be contacted by the events coordinator of the Developer Engagement team and coordinate directly with her. These events DO NOT need budget approval from the Mozilla Reps Council.

More info about Developer Engagement Events


Requesting budget

If you're planning to organize an event or would like to request sponsorship to attend an event, here's the standard user flow. You'll need to get in touch with a Resource Rep to file a request.

Requesting swag

As a Mozilla Rep, you can request swag from a specific stock reserved for the Mozilla Rep program by getting in touch with a Resource Rep. Please read the step by step guide to ordering swag.

Creating your Mozilla Rep Profile

Each Mozilla Rep is required to create his/her user profile. This user profile not only help others know who you are and how to contact you, but it also lets you document all your activities and areas of expertise as a Mozilla Reps, for anyone to see.

More info about Rep profiles

Adding your blog to Mozilla Reps Planet

Mozilla Reps Planet is the central aggregation of all Mozilla Reps Blogs. This is separate from the Mozilla Planet. You can add your blog to the Mozilla Planet as well if you choose to do so.

More info on how to add yourself about Mozilla Reps Planet

Submitting a change to the program

Any Rep can submit a proposal to change Mozilla Reps program structure and processes.

More info about proposals

Leaving ReMo

As for any activity, sometimes you feel like it's time to move on to new challenges. If you decide that it's time for you to leave ReMo, make sure to follow standard procedures for a smooth departure from the program and make it easier for you to return if ever you decide to become active again as a Mozilla Rep.

More info about leaving ReMo


Social Media

Learn how to handle Social Media and use them to Mozilla's advantage. Please use the existing community channels instead of creating new ones.

Producing/Customizing swag

Learn guidelines for how to produce your own swag. In India we're procuding Swag locally. Other regions might come in the future, until then see the wiki page about the guidelines.

Communication Policy

There are various communication channels for Reps to use to ask for help, share information, and more.

Learn what these channels are and the rules of engagement for each.


Mentoring New Reps

Mentorship is an essential component of the Mozilla Reps program. It is the backbone of the program. Mentors coach their mentees on personal development and Reps specific knowledge and ensure that their "mentees" (Reps) fulfill their responsibilities. Mentors also vote for the Rep of the Month. We also have a coaching training available to all Reps.

More info about mentoring.


This page explains the procedure to follow to remove a Rep, Mentor, Council Member or Peer from the Mozilla Reps program.

More info about dismissals


Editing the ReMo Landing Page

If you have editing rights for the ReMo landing page, find out how you can make your edits.