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Warning signWarning: With effect from 1st September 2023, the Mozilla Reps program was closed and activities ended.

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Mozilla Coffee Logo by Aleksandar Savic & Elio Qoshi
MozCoffee Logo by Cosmin Stahiescu


This is a small scale informal meetup of up to 20 persons where a report is given of recent activities and upcoming projects of a community as well as get ideas and feedback from the general public. The idea for this event is to be easily reproducible and as frequent as possible, serving as a meeting point and reference event for local communities.

Examples to illustrate

Small scale informal meetup and committee members will sit together, having coffee/tea. Giving updates/report of activities and upcoming project of a community.

Optimal size

Minimum should be considered as 10 people. 10-20 people is optimal. 30 is max with 40 being extreme (not manageable as a coffee)

Time needed to plan

2-3 hours or more that but depend on operational of time and location

Budget required

Cost to cover coffee or refreshments only. Transport to the area. where the coffee will take place in case it is far. Please avoid organizing events far away from your location.

Staff involvement

No specific need for staff involvement.

Objectives/desirable outcomes

Specify what to achieve after have discussion of community. Your primary objective should be to keep people updated with latest Mozilla news and also provide contribution offers.

Steps to produce


  1. Inform in community mailing list about MozCoffee/MozCafe
  2. Create poll and let vote the date by members of the community
  3. Find location which is easy to access via walking/public transport, probably center of city/ nearby location of few community members
  4. Finalize the planning, close poll by majority votes, confirm location with owner
  5. Check location for MozCoffee
  6. Create event in our Community Portal
  7. Publish event detail Discourse/Matrix/Social Media Communication - Facebook, Twitter, etc (see below)
  8. Add a bit of decoration before event if the owner is OK.
  9. Have a great MozCoffee starting by welcoming all attendees. (see below)

Budget request

File the appropriate Budget Request if needed (to cover first round of coffees).

Swag Request

File the appropriate Swag Request if needed. Keep in mind that for such a small event it is advised to plan ahead and request swag for multiple events.

Agenda & speakers

  1. Welcome speech
  2. Updates from various Mozilla sources
  3. Short demo of a recent technology (WebGL, new CSS or HTML implementations, etc.)
  4. Let the talk start
  5. Roughly plan a date for next MozCoffee
  6. Wrap-up speech

Remember you are the host/speaker so don't be shy and drive the conversations! Don't forget to look your watch from time to time.

During a MozCoffee you might consider including specific activities:

Firefox Clinic

Support users with Firefox issues

Spreading the word


  • Social media SOP
    • Tweet for the event!
    • Announce on community Facebook page
    • Consider posting posters and announcements on local communities and universities, colleges.

Don't forget to mention the existence of a Firefox Clinic if you are hosting one!


Be creative with this small scale events. Some examples can be found here:

As always if you need anything more specific, advanced make sure to ask the Mozilla Design team or reps-general for more help.

UPDATE: This is a proposed logo for MozCoffee events. It was a derived version of an artwork developed at Mozilla Hispano. The cup was initially used in events in Spain, Colombia and Peru.


During the event

Arrive at the event venue at least an hour before. Make sure that you have enough space allocated for you by the venue. Inform them with the basics of the event (everyone loves Mozilla!). Welcome everyone as they come, and make sure that everyone knows each other. Start with some latest news on mozilla and gradually identify the interests of the group and shift focus on those. Take notes! If you do not know the answer on something, write it down and follow up via email. Keep it fun! After all it is a coffee out with friends :) Pro tip: Treat the venue staff with some swag! They will reward you :)

Wrap-up & reimbursements

Make sure that you do any follow ups after the event. Also update budget request with scanned receipts and your payment details.

Report back

Once the event is over, report back as soon as possible. Your fellow Reps are eager to know what happened!



Make sure to update the event page of the event with photos, posts, and links.


Write a post on your blog (even a short one) and make sure it appears on remo planet.


Local Media

Make sure to update all the communication channels you used during promotion with the outcomes of the event.

Regional Communities

Best way to follow up with them is to cc them in your report to reps-general. They also love pictures!



It is advised to use one of the following logos for a MozCoffee

Brown Logo:

PNG: Media:MozCoffee_Logo.png SVG:Media:MozCoffee_Logo.svg

Red Logo:


Example Events