Releases/Firefox 41/Test Plan/Beta/2

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Firefox 41.0 Beta 2 (build 1) Test Plan

QE recommendation regarding the quality of the build

Recommendation based on results from manual testing CONDITIONAL SIGN OFF

Manual Testing summary - Platform Coverage and Areas Tested

  • Testing is performed around areas most affected by fixes since the previous Beta, or areas that are mandatory to test in the Beta cycle
  • Test Cases executed and results: report
Platform Assignee Results: report
Windows 7 x64 (Intel HD 2500) Camelia Badau [DONE]
Windows 8.1 x86 (AMD Radeon HD 3000) Vasilica Mihasca [DONE]
Mac OS X 10.10 (NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M 512) Petruta Rasa [DONE]
Ubuntu 14.04 x64 (AMD Radeon HD 3000) Andrei Vaida [DONE]
Tested Area Testing Type Results
BREAKPAD Regression Testing PASS


See the Feature Release Tracking gdoc for a general overview

Feature Owner Status Details Test Plan
New Add-on Signing Vasilica Mihasca [ON TRACK] Feature dropped from Firefox 39 & 40 (not enough add-ons signed) - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 41 Test Plan
Hello - Text Chat Bogdan Maris [ON TRACK] New feature targeted for Firefox 41 - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 41 Test Plan
Unified telemetry/FHR Alexandra Lucinet [NOT STARTED] New feature targeted for Firefox 41 - final QA sign-off at the end of Beta 41 Test Plan
Async plugin init TBD (disabled in Fx 40 release) [AT RISK] Feature released in Beta 40, but disabled due to reported issues -


New bugs

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
1195761 Unity Web Player game is not downloaded with dom.ipc.plugins.asyncInit true RESOLVED DUPLICATE

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Known Issues - also seen in previous builds

Major issues also seen in previous builds

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
1195557 Error when Opening Google Docs RESOLVED WORKSFORME

1 Total; 0 Open (0%); 1 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Low impact issues also seen in previous builds

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
928379 QuickTime controls bar is missing RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1092166 Crash in [@ DeallocateCB ] caused by SetOutputType() RESOLVED WORKSFORME
1113580 On Mac Crash Reporter is out of focus RESOLVED DUPLICATE
1171894 Reader View icon is shown for several trailers RESOLVED WORKSFORME

4 Total; 0 Open (0%); 4 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);

Branch Bug Fix Verifications

Full Query
ID Summary Status Resolution
1158982 Using up/down keys moves overview graphs VERIFIED FIXED
1163454 YouTube 1080p/60 H.264 video massively drops frames VERIFIED FIXED
1164594 New Tab shouldn't use text-transform: uppercase VERIFIED FIXED
1179110 mp4 video would not autostart VERIFIED FIXED
1179234 [OSX retina] Horizontal grey bars in the new search panel should have the same height VERIFIED FIXED
1184656 Use lighter separator between content and toolbars on Windows 10 and 8 VERIFIED FIXED
1185294 Private downloads get lost due to "cooldown" firefox restart VERIFIED FIXED
1186244 Remove border artifacts between navbar and tabbar in lw-themes on Windows 10 VERIFIED FIXED
1186687 Remove hover glow behind urlbar icons VERIFIED FIXED

9 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 9 Verified (100%);

Status tags

  • [NOT STARTED] - {{mnotstarted}} - little or no work has started on this task
  • [ON TRACK] - {{mok}} - task is actively being worked on and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [DONE] - {{mdone}} - task is completed and those assigned feel comfortable and confident in the quality of the build.
  • [AT RISK] - {{mrisk}}- blocking bug / high number of bugs / other confidence-shakers makes us feel not comfortable with the quality of the build.
  • [IN PROGRESS] - {{mprog}} - actively being tested on
  • [INVESTIGATION NEEDED] - {{minvest}} - more investigation needed