Releases/Firefox 50/Test Plan

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This page is to track testing of Firefox 50 from mozilla-central (Nightly) through to mozilla-release. This is intended to be a minimal set of information to help Firefox QA understand and communicate the quality of upcoming releases. Our current walkthrough of the release and QA process might be changing due to recent reorgs.

The QA efforts are mostly split up between two teams:

  • Engineering QA
    • team reports to Ryan VanderMeulen
    • the Project Manager (and main contact) for the team is Rares Bologa
    • team is based in Romania (most part) and Las Vegas (5 people)
    • the team mainly tests the Desktop app, but covers the Mobile (Android, iOS) side as well
    • main responsibilities:
      • Feature Testing - new Firefox features, prior to landing and during Nightly
      • Bug Triage - older as well as incoming Unconfirmed bugs
      • Bug Investigation - various investigation as requested by other people (e.g. finding steps, setting component, finding regression windows)
      • Misc - other miscellaneous requests
  • Release QA Desktop and Release QA Mobile
    • team reports to Lawrence Mandel
    • the Project Manager (and main contact) for the team is Florin Mezei
    • team is based in Romania
    • main responsibilities:
      • Build Validation - mostly Beta, Release, and ESR builds (including automated ondemand update, and throttling tests)
      • Feature Testing - new features not covered by the Engineering QA team, and those covered by the Engineering QA team after they enter Aurora
      • Bug Verification - verifying the most important / high risk fixes, with focus on those closer to release
      • Bug Investigation - various investigation as requested by other people (e.g. finding steps, setting component, finding regression windows)
      • Misc - other miscellaneous requests


Please consult the Rapid Release Calendar for more information.

Milestone Date Checks
Nightly 2016-06-06 Conduct daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are owned
Aurora Migration 2016-08-01 Conduct testing to ensure Firefox 48 Aurora builds are okay, sign off for updates on Friday
Aurora Updates enabled 2016-08-05 Continue daily stability and bug triage, ensure features are tested
Beta Uplift 2016-09-12 Review testing and sign off every beta release
Release 2016-11-08 Review tests and sign off release


Meeting Purpose When Vidyo Room IRC Backchannel Notes
Channel Status Raise quality concerns with the Release Management team 10:00 AM Pacific on Tuesday & 08:00 AM Pacific on Thursday ReleaseCoordination #planning Notes archive


While Firefox 50 is on the Nightly channel, QA will mainly focus on:

  • Feature Testing - EngQA team (for Firefox features assigned to them) + RelQA team (for other new features - Platform or Firefox)
  • Triaging newly reported bugs - EngQA team
  • Bug Verification - mostly RelQA - with main focus on: fixes related to new features, fixes tracked as Sprint work, fixes for major bugs


End of cycle status
  • Total bugs filed affecting 50: 2651
  • Bugs fixed / verified on 50: 1801 Fixed / 108 Verified
  • Conditional signoff for merge: Sylvestre Ledru, August 1st 2:57 PM CET
  • QE signoff: N/A

Developer Edition (Aurora)

While Firefox 50 is on the Aurora channel, QA will mainly focus on:

  • Signing off Aurora 50 prior to enabling updates - RelQA
  • Feature Testing - RelQA team
    • Should have testing plans for features that we know may be turned off /on conditionally
    • Full in-depth testing should be completed before merge to Beta
  • Triaging newly reported bugs - EngQA team
  • Bug Verification - mostly RelQA - with main focus on: fixes related to new features, fixes for major bugs

Release Notes - review & update.

Reference (and migration / signoff plan:


During the Beta cycle, there are several beta releases. Communication with the release coordination, release engineering, and automation teams is key.

While Firefox 50 is on the Beta channel, QA will mainly focus on:

  • Signing off each Beta build prior to being pushed to the beta channel - RelQA
  • Feature Testing - RelQA team
    • Focus is on fixes that land in Beta, and Regression and Smoke testing
  • Triaging newly reported bugs - EngQA team
  • Bug Verification - mostly RelQA - with main focus on: fixes related to new features, fixes for major bugs, fixes assessed as high risk

QA also analyzes the results of OnDemand Update tests running on Jenkins. We create config files for the update tests, check their validity, and run them on at least two channels for each beta release cycle.

Pivotal bugs may need verification during each beta cycle.

  • Link to release notes. review & update.
  • Crash evaluation/escalation.
  • Feature evaluation.

QA Activities

QA wanted

The following tracks bugs which have requests for urgent QA assistance.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Read it and make sure you understand what information is needed (this may be steps or URLs to reproduce, a regression range, or something else altogether)
  • Use the latest build of this Firefox version and test until you've discovered the information necessary. Ask for help if you need it.
  • Report this information to the bug and remove the qawanted keyword

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);


This section tracks bugs representing the most urgent stability issues. Consult this wiki for more information.

  • Ensure new and explosive crashes have actionable bug reports which are in progress
  • Top Crashes - ensure the highest ranked crashes have actionable bug reports which are in progress
  • Untriaged Bugs - ensure bugs are actionable and in the correct component
  • topcrash bugs

Unconfirmed Bug Triage

The following tracks triage and testing of incoming, unconfirmed bug reports.

  • Choose a bug to test from the list below
  • Use the latest Nightly build to confirm the bug reproduces
  • Flag with reporter with needinfo if you cannot reproduce and need more information
  • Set the status to NEW and ensure the bug is in the appropriate component if you can reproduce the bug (provide as much detail about your testing as possible)
  • If it's a Firefox bug you may want to add the firefox-backlog=? flag to it.


Verification Needed Bugs

  • Review the bugs below in the Pending Triage section and select a bug you want to test
  • Make sure you understand the bug before you begin testing it
  • Test on a previously known broken build to make sure you can reproduce the bug
  • Test on the latest build from the branches which are fixed to confirm the bug no longer reproduces
  • Mark the bug VERIFIED FIXED if the bug appears to be fixed and set the appropriate status-firefox flag to verified
  • Reopen the bug if it still reproduces

Iteration Development

Firefox development during Nightly works on two-week iterations as of 2014. This section tracks the bugs selected for development in these iterations. Please consult the Iteration Dev Walkthrough and the Firefox/IterativeDevelopment page for more information on this process.

  • Ensure all bugs are marked qe-verify:+ or -
  • Ensure all qe-verify:+ bugs have a QA Contact (The Feature Owner page may help here)
  • Ensure all selected bugs are VERIFIED before the end of the iteration
  • Anything incomplete at the end of the iteration will be automatically carried over to the next iteration



Aurora Migration

Post-merge Work (as soon as updates are disabled):

Pre-sign-off Checks:

  • [DONE] Manual Smoke testing - ensure there are no major issues blocking release to the aurora channel
    • Areas covered: Web Compatibility, Audio Compatibility, Video Compatibility, Plug-in Compatibility, WebGL, Add-on Compatibility and the Crash Reporter
    • Signed off by Andrei Vaida on August 4 - detailed test results
  • [DONE] Features - all scoped features are signed off as ready for Aurora by owners. (If you haven't heard anything to the contrary, that is probably true, but make sure we don't know of blocking issues.)
  • [DONE] Bugs - document and review any reported bugs and issues, nominate them for tracking if serious (i.e. make sure all bugs needed to be tracked have at least a request for that up) - signed off by Ritu
  • [DONE] Stability - review crash stats before sign-off to raise any red flags - signed off by Ritu Kothari
  • [DONE] L10n - contact L10n drivers (usually :Pike) to see if there are any known localization issues - signed off by Francesco Lodolo
  • [DONE] Send final QE sign-off - Sent by Florin Mezei on August 5

Post-sign-off Checks (as soon as updates are enabled again):


Beta 1

Build Information


  • Manual - Firefox 50 Beta 1
    • [DONE] Smoke Testing with focus on the new features in Firefox Beta 50: Pointer Lock API, and WebM support in Widevine.
      • Requires access to Test Rail to see results
    • [DONE] Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
      • Many oranges due to the fact that Linux x64 builds have BuildID=20160920195135 (which is used by the tests), while all other builds (Linux x86, Mac, Win x86, Win x64) have BuildID=20160920155715 - had to manually re-run all tests (except those for Linux x64) with the correct Expected BuildID
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)
      • Many oranges due to the fact that Linux x64 builds have BuildID=20160920195135 (which is used by the tests), while all other builds (Linux x86, Mac, Win x86, Win x64) have BuildID=20160920155715 - had to manually re-run all tests (except those for Linux x64) with the correct Expected BuildID

Beta 2

Build Information


Beta 3

Build Information


Beta 4

Build Information


  • Manual - Firefox 50 Beta 4
    • [DONE] Smoke and Exploratory Testing with focus on: audio compatibility, video compatibility and the crash reporter.
    • [DONE] Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 5

Build Information


Beta 6

Build Information


  • Manual - Firefox 50 Beta 6
    • [DONE] Smoke and Exploratory Testing with focus on: Plugin Compatibility and Add-on Compatibility.
    • [DONE] Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 7

Build Information


Beta 8

Build Information


  • Manual - Firefox 50 Beta 8
    • [IN PROGRESS] Smoke and Exploratory Testing with focus on: Customization, Search and Safe browsing.
      • ⚠ Please note that we're currently waiting for test results on a specific Safe Browsing test case that requires a 14hrs wait time.
      • Detailed test results: in TestRail (requires access rights) or as a pdf.
    • [DONE] Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 9

Build Information


Beta 10

Build Information


  • Manual - Firefox 50 Beta 10
    • [DONE] Smoke and Exploratory Testing with focus on: Firefox Accounts, Sync, and Download Protection.
      • Detailed test results: in TestRail (requires access rights) or as a pdf.
      • [DONE] ⚠ Please note that we're currently waiting for test results on a specific Download Protection test case that requires a 12hrs wait time. We'll make sure to follow up on that, first thing tomorrow.
    • [DONE] Bug verification with focus on the latest fixes to land in this build.
  • Automated (configs for ondemand)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta-cdntest channel (report)
    • [DONE] Updates on beta channel (report)

Beta 11

Build Information


Release Candidates

50.0 RC

Build Information


50.0 RC2

Build Information


50.0.1 Build 1

Build Information

50.0.2 Build 1

Build Information

Note: Some QE for this release and associated releases was recorded in this etherpad: and some in the bug, .

50.1.0 Build 1

Build Information

50.1.0 Build 2

Build Information