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  • Time: (Weekly) Tuesday at 13:30 PM PDT / 16:30 PM EDT / 21:30 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, 3A-All Your Base (3rd Floor)
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 95316#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 95316#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 95316#


Upcoming Speaking Engagements

  • (Who) : Date: Name of Event : Talk Title: Link
  • Yvan Boily : Dec 11 : OWASP Seattle : Security At Scale (Seattle)
  • Yvan Boily : Dec 15 : BSidesSeattle : Security Testing with ZAP (Seattle)

Security Review Status (curtisk)

Operations Security Update (Joe Stevensen)

Project Updates

Please don't leave blank. Add "No Update" if nothing has changed

Silent updates (rforbes / dveditz)

B2G (Paul Theriault, David Chan)

  • final stretch for webapi testing
    • paul is finishing up the api tests

Thunderbird (Adam Muntner)

Rust (Jesse Ruderman)

Mobile (Mark Goodwin)

  • PB to land in FX20 - testing help would be appreciated

Sync (Simon Bennetts)

  • No update

Services (Simon Bennetts & Adam Muntner)

  • No update

Jetpack, Add-on SDK, Add-on Builder (Dan Veditz)

JS (Christian Holler)

  • Still fuzzing IonMonkey threaded compilation and working with JS devs to get better diagnostics to track down the bugs easier

DOM, XPConnect (Jesse Ruderman)

Layout, Style (Jesse Ruderman)

Automation Tools (Gary Kwong)

Web Developer Tools (Mark Goodwin)

  • Developer tools window (was briefly) in m-c; it's worth playing with.

Networking (Christoph Diehl)

  • Added RTP/RTCP fuzzing capabilities into 'mediaconduit' for WebRTC

Media / Graphics (Christoph Diehl) =

  • No update

Peach (Christoph Diehl / Raymond Forbes) =

Market (Raymond Forbes)

Firefox APIs (Raymond Forbes)

Payment Flow (Raymond Forbes)

Dynamic API Security Model (Raymond Forbes)

WebRT (Raymond Forbes)


Identity Services (David Chan)

Addons.M.O (Raymond Forbes)

Bugzilla.M.O (Mark Goodwin & Eric Parker)

  • No update

Mozillians (Raymond Forbes)

MDN (Raymond Forbes)

SUMO (Kitsune) ()

AddressSanitizer (Christian Holler)

  • No update