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  • Time: (Weekly) Tuesday at 13:30 PM PDT / 16:30 PM EDT / 21:30 PM UTC.
  • Place: Mozilla HQ, 3A-All Your Base (3rd Floor)
  • Phone (US/Intl): 650 903 0800 x92 Conf: 95316#
  • Phone (Toronto): 416 848 3114 x92 Conf: 95316#
  • Phone (US): 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf: 95316#


  • Security Reports
  • [curtis] Let's meet to discuss upcoming blog posts
    • Wednesday 1pm California time
    • May be rescheduled due to invite issues
    • See links below in #Planned_Blog_Posts
  • [psinnon] GSOC [yvan] Suggestion for ulfr's raccoon problem - wiki changes

  • will be phased out (in the future, this isnt happening anytime soon)
  • everybody loves wiki.m.o and it's staying, as well as mana

Upcoming events

  • March 24 - 28 JavaScript work week in Toronto
    • gkw is attending < cool, they're going to talk about JS tainting
    • Let gkw know about whatever sessions you'd like to attend and i'll try to connect both sides JS tainting ;p (arroway) +freddy maybe
  • March 12 - 14 CanSecWest
    • Jeff Bryner, Curtis Koenig, Yvan Boily, and Raymond Forbes attending CanSecWest
    • Michael Henry (tinfoil) attending bsides but not CanSecWest
  • Big french OSS conf CFP, if interested:
  • [pt] conf sponsorship in general

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

(List it at these two locations too: & )

  • [jeff] bSides Vancouver-machine learning for web logs
  • [curtis] bSides Vancouver - I am the cavalry

[pt] speaking at web directions code in melbourne in may (dev conf)

Planned Blog Posts

Security Review Status (curtisk)

  • Completed in Q1:


Operations Security Update (Joe Stevensen)

Project Updates

Please add your name to the update so we know who to follow up with

Firefox Desktop

Firefox Mobile

Firefox OS

Firefox Core


Web Apps


Operation Security