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The idea behind this module is that it would be implemented as a native module on each respective platform and hosted by the default loader. Other IO modules would use these functions as a basis.


/*** open


    - ``fileName``
    - ``mode``

    Returns a file descriptor of unspecified type.


    Mode Meaning
    ==== ======================================================================
    "r"  read-only, starting at the beginning of the file
    "r+" read-write, starting at the beginning of the file
    "w"  write-only, truncates an existing file to empty or creates a new file
    "w+" read-write, truncates an existing file to empty or creates a new file
    "a"  write-only, starts at end of file if file exists or creates a new file
    "a+" read-write, starts at end of file if file exists or creates a new file
    "b"  binary file mode, may appear before any of the modes above


/*** close

/*** creat

/*** flush

/*** tell

/*** stat

/*** lstat

/*** unlink

/*** chown

/*** chmod

/*** dup

/*** dup2

/*** fctnl

/*** ioctl

/*** select

/*** getcwd