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=== Introduction ===
=== Introduction ===

A redesign of the Global History component in Firefox using mozStorage and supplying additional capabilities to application developers. Questions about the history re-write can be sent to brettw<AT>gmail<DOT>com.
The places history system is a redesign of the Firefox global history system
using the new sqlite-based mozStorage APIs. This system provides additional
performance, flexibility, and querying capabilities. Questions about the
history re-write can be sent to brettw<AT>gmail<DOT>com.

Separate but related is the [[Annotations]] service which can store arbitrary information about a page for extension developers, and the new [[Firefox:2.0_Bookmarks]] system that will probably also use the mozStorage interface.
See also:
* [[Places]]
* [[Annotations]]
* [[Firefox:2.0_Bookmarks]]

=== Places history features ===
The major places history views will be queries over places visited by time. The
user will be able to select any date range and see when they visited each page.
Actually showing which pages were visited during a given time period means we
will have to store every time the user visits any page, rather than just the
last visit time. This fixes some problems with the old history system where
items would move around if you visited them again.
These view should be as organized and as concise as possible. The old history
system includes many redirect pages in the view, and doesn't have things like
favicons and good grouping that might make it easier to locate pages of
interest. As a result, favicons for every page will be stored for viewing in
history, and we will provide better domain-style grouping and a calendar for
picking days rather than a tree view.
The second most user-visible history feature will be keyword searching. This
will be essentially unchanged from the old system, which is too bad because the
current system sucks. Because there is no word index, we do a brute-force
search over all titles for the keyword in question. While sometimes useful,
this is not always what you want, resulting in a number of third-party history
indexing products. Long term, it would be nice to index pages you visit. For
the coming release it might be nice to provide a hook for third-party products
so they can provide text searching capabilities to the places system.
The last major change will be the ability to define complex queries over the
history and bookmark systems. Most users will not be generating such queries,
but they can be used to provide a variety of nice features. For example, a
query folder can be created for "My favorite pages" which contains the 20 most
frequently visited URLs in history. A query for the most frequently visited
pages that are not bookmarked provides a good candidate list for suggesting
=== Example ===
This screenshot shows some of these ideas:
All pages have favicons for better visual differentiation and grouping. Pages
are arraged into "sessions" consisting of followed links. Typing a new URL or
following a bookmark gives you a new "session" which appears as a dotted line
in this image. This is an actual screenshot, but the ugly redirect pages have
been manually removed. Proper tracking of redirect pages is pending, see

=== New capabilities ===
=== New capabilities ===


Navigation menu