Summit2008/Sessions/Proposals/New and Improved MDC

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Session Title

Introducing the new and improved Mozilla Developer Center.

Session Leaders

  • Eric Shepherd


The new MindTouch Deki based MDC will launch in July. This session will start with an overview of why we made the change and what improvements we gained by moving away from MediaWiki. After that, we'll have a discussion about more things we can do to take advantage of Deki's extensibility, as well as gather ideas for future enhancements to MDC.


  • Why we switched from MediaWiki to Deki
  • Demo of the new MDC
  • Discussion
    • Deki extensions
    • Interoperability with other Mozilla sites
    • Future ideas for MDC
    • Q&A

Equipment needs

  • Projector
  • Box of one dozen starving, crazed weasels. If you can't get them both starving and crazed, don't bother with the weasels.