Summit2008/Sessions/Proposals/Theme Improvements

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Talking about some of the learnings and takeaways we had from the snags we hit when implementing the Firefox 3 Theme. An agenda of things to talk about would be:

  • making it easier to find / browse the file structure of a theme
  • making it easier for themers to build themes, be aware of our changes
  • what we need out of NSITheme (native widgets, native colours, colour theory)
  • better ways to support Windows Classic
  • do we need theme owners?
  • do we need to localize themes?


There is a PDF of the whiteboard notes available, too.

  • Hard
    • Consistency
    • Lost in (directory) structure
    • Hard-coded images
    • Problems with platform-specific theme bits
    • Not enough native colors/icons (high priority)
    • Alternate "native" themes - colors & icons
    • Tracking theme-impacting changes via Bugzilla keyword (high priority)
  • Missing
    • Simple theme support
    • CSS overlays
    • Documentation
      • Performance guidance & measurement
    • Base theme / non-native theme
    • Ship with multiple themes (XP & Vista)
    • SVG images (high priority)
    • Scalable UI
    • CSS gradients