Support/Weekly Meetings/Agenda 2008-12-29

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Support » Weekly Meetings » 2008-12-29


Knowledge Base

  • 222 article comments. I still need to go through them.
  • Only 5 English Firefox2-only articles. Many more including all languages.
  • New pref |browser.urlbar.default.behavior| allows you to further customize the Smart Location Bar.
// default: 1: history, 2: bookmark, 4: tag, 8: title, 16: url
// E.g., 0 = show all results (no filtering), 1 = only visited pages in history,
// 2 = only bookmarks, 3 = visited bookmarks, 1+16 = history matching in the url
  • Archive category is up. I had some trouble removing a permission for it, but removing it worked a couple of hours ago; so I should add articles to it this week.


Live Chat

  • Almost 68% of respondants either have their problem solved or are planning on following up
  • Participation still up, only open Monday and Tuesday of last week
    • 13 new accounts, 0 approved over the holiday
  • Jammer400 answered the 20,000th chat request, blog post Wednesday?
  • Average live chat csat score is 4.75/5.
  • Many users are getting disconnected from live chat, zzxc to file a bug about getting error reporting from webchat client


  • Meeting plan for the next couple of weeks?