Support/Weekly Meetings/Agenda 2009-04-06

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Knowledge Base

  • Meeting with nl team this week
  • 5 of 21 parent options window articles purged
    • After all are done, next step is to remove Firefox 2 content. When should we remove "2.0" from "Show customized content for"?
  • 3.1 to 3.5 update tomorrow.
    • We have test the query for gathering which articles will need updating, and will run that query tomorrow.
    • Category is renamed on staging
  • New locales: Croatian (hr), Oriya (or), and Kazakh (kk)


  • Traffic still up, 110+ locked dupes two weeks ago.

Live Chat

  • Metrics update: 21 active helpers, 30,000 chat threshold reached, ~1100 chat sessions
  • We are now linking users to How to Contribute on the chat feedback page


  • Wiki notifications and spam from staging for a lot of users. Need investigation and better solution this week.