Support/Weekly Meetings/Minutes 2010-08-16

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Sumo Development

  • 2.2.1
    • Quick patches.
    • Went out on Tuesday.
  • 2.2.2
    • (formerly 2.2.1)
    • 3 new forum features.
    • Will freeze very soon, hopefully go out Thursday.
    • Not taking new bugs.
  • 2.2.3
    • Mobile forum/user merge.
    • Migration work already near-complete.
    • By the end of the month.
  • 2.3
    • Last week's on-site was a great success.
    • Our time-line should see us ship near the end of October, as planned.
      • It's an aggressive schedule. We'll need a lot of focus.
      • That document doesn't include 2.2.2 and 2.2.3, but we're working on them.
      • After 2.3 is 2.4, which finishes the transition from Tiki Wiki.
    • We're taking steps to improve our processes:
      • Specifying 3 distinct "freezes": feature complete, string frozen, and code complete.
      • Moving to a new branching model, more like Firefox.
      • Plan to set up a test day toward the end of September, near feature-complete target.

Knowledge Base

  • Last week - prepping for mobile merge and fx beta.
  • This week - lots of article writing for fx beta and twitter signpost project.
    • Possibly draft new style guide in parallel with drafting new articles.


Live Chat

  • Matthew to write an article on "How to write answer support questions"
  • Since the forum push live chat questions are up 20%.

Goals checkup


  • Cheng put up a list of tags in the contributors forum, check it out.