Support/Weekly Meetings/Notes 2012-03-26

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Meeting Details

Mondays (meeting duration approx. 30 minutes) at:

  • 9:00 AM PST
  • 12:00 Noon EST
  • 16:00 UTC during summer
  • 18:00 CET
  • 11:00 CST

Phone call details:

  • California: 1-650-903-0800, x92 then 9309 then #,
  • Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - then 9309 then #
  • Skype (free): +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - then 9309 then # #sumo <== Click the link to use web-based chat

Sumo Development Update


  • Susan and Bram presented the new IA on Friday. We'll make a blog post with links to the documents and video of the presentation.


Please add your comments, questions and updates here.

  • The Firefox Clinic was AWESOME! Many thanks to Dylan Verdi, Zhenshuo Fang, Tim Watts, James Ouyang, Crystal Beasley, Matthew Claypotch, Amy Tsay, Cori Schauer and Dan Callahan.
  • The SUMO Team is in San Francisco this week. We're out of our usual timezones (mostly) and in meetings all the time so things may take a little longer to get to things than usual.
  • Note: The recording of today's meeting failed. :(

Firefox Status Update



Knowledge Base



  • Sync and Services Roadmap being finalized.
  • Apps and Marketplace to be launch in beta on April 26th, Desktop launch on June and Mobile in September.
  • Identity Work Week last week. More info to come after the wrap up.

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