Support/Weekly Meetings/Notes 2012-04-23

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Meeting Details

Mondays (meeting duration approx. 30 minutes) at:

  • 9:00 AM PST
  • 12:00 Noon EST
  • 16:00 UTC during summer
  • 18:00 CET
  • 11:00 CST

Phone call details:

  • California: 1-650-903-0800, x92 then 9309 then #,
  • Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - then 9309 then #
  • Skype (free): +1 800 707 2533, pin 369 - then 9309 then # #sumo <== Click the link to use web-based chat

Sumo Development Update

  • Current SUMO development sprint – 2012.7. Next one starts tomorrow.
  • started unification of search (KB articles and forum posts ranked instead of in buckets)
  • Kadir is collecting feedback on the current 2012 roadmap and a way to plan for the future that involves the whole community


  • We had to update the schedule of the paper prototyping due to administration issues. Paper prototyping will probably start on May 14 and last for a week
  • We will have final wire frames a week later on May 25.
  • Visual design will start on May 28th and the implementation will be coordinated soon after.
  • Since Bram needs to spent more time on preparing the paper prototypes than initially anticipated he will only be able to spent a small amount of time for help with the UX of new features during the next 3 weeks.


  • Please add your comments, questions and updates here.
  • Can we get a update of when sumo will have browserid installed - satdav
    • Not soon (later this year, but it's low priority). This requires JS, which may interfere with troubleshooting. SUMO will likely be among the last Mozilla websites to adopt it, because we have the least experienced visitors. Other Mozilla websites (like MDN) are currently testing it out.
  • - accessibility bug

Firefox Status Update

  • Firefox 12 releases tomorrow. New crashes, but that's about it on issues.
  • 3.6 is officially EoL and XP-SP1/2000 are EoL in 13.


  • Last chance to tell Kadir if there's something in the SUMO google doc that's not in the KPI dashboards you'ld like to keep an eye every week.
  • Mozilla might be moving to different analytics software. Still needs approval from governance.
  • KPI Dashboard
  • SUMO
  • Mobile specific


Knowledge Base


  • Beta should be released as soon as possible after the 24th. Still some blockers.


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